Do you recall this, My daughter? So, as a good preacher, I will pick out one sin, the most heinous of sins, the one that most arouses the anger of God. I am the living Bread that descends from Heaven., Wayne Weible (RIP) Joy in Waynes Heart: At Last, At Last, At Last!!! Many of the prophecies given in the Book of Revelation were written in a way so that people would understand them through the use of symbols. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we have become so slack in our Catholic faith, many of us think because we have two thousand years behind us that we have two thousand years ahead of us to go before any inkling of the Second Coming might happen. Now, although I have studied many heavenly messages, I do not know all the details and ramifications of the Three Days of Darkness. What does intermediate or hidden coming exactly mean? Then, God will multiply the books at their refuge, and then, through the refuge network, the books will spread until eventually every person at each refuge in the world has their own free physical copy from God by prayer. I send My Mother to be your confidence.. Because of My great Mercy, I now send My Son to offer humanity a last chance to turn back to Me, their heavenly Father. Mirjana has only said that her tenth secret can not be reduced. They have not fully developed their discernment of spirits, along with the virtues of patience and prudence in Gods Timing. There was something that I was simply not seeing and unable to discern properly. On September 12, 1998, while traveling in the United States, Jakov received the tenth secret. Finally, the visionary, Mirjana, has been entrusted with revealing all Ten Secrets on certain dates only known to her through a priest of her choosing. Then 40 days of peace for each soul to make their decision for or against God. And I know that several chosen messengers were told by Heaven that the Warning would take place this Fall 2020 (I am even aware of an anonymous priest who was told this by the Lord). Next question, what is the significance of the Immaculate Conception? Many businesses and political leaders will become embroiled with his many plans. I know this to be true, because I once had an opportunity to ask Our Lord and He shared with me that the prayers particularly found in the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, were upsetting satan. Amen. O heavenly Father through the Love of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Whose Passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. The reason that the Blessed Virgin Mary was created to love God so much greater than all the angels and mankind, is because firstly and chiefly, God needed a humble servant whom would not disappoint Him for the Annunciation of Jesus to be made possible and to take place in the fullness of time. As I know many people have been praying and preparing for this major event, which has now been postponed. Firstly, everything starts with The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Now, what is that actual date? You will receive daily Holy Communion at My refuges, and you will adore Me in My Real Presence as well., Doubts make you stronger in your love for Me I pray that many people are helped by this commentary. In truth, because there was so much spiritual warfare taking place concurrently while this information was being told to me, it felt like I had the whole heavenly court in my bedroom with me. One, because the people who manage the location do not know; two, they would get bombarded prematurely with questions that they are not prepared to answer; and three, revealing the location selected by Heaven would bring unnecessary controversy by naysayers. medjugorje secrets soon to be revealed 2020is ora king salmon safe to eat. And just on the day of the party (December 8), she revealed to you that sad eighth secret. Just some food for thought and mitigating prayer! The visionary, Conchita, will be informed of the NEW DATE directly by Papa God, Jesus, and the Blessed Mother, during The Warning encounter, so there will be no doubt in Conchitas mind that the NEW DATE has been chosen by God and is to be announced earlier in time. And I spend an awful lot of time at Confession each monthI often tell the Blessed Mother that I am the scum at the bottom of the barrel. And when reading these various messages together, it seemed that they were presenting what would happen in the world if the conditional Great Chastisement is prevented by mankinds conversion back to God. This is because in order for Heaven to save the world from satans plans, Heaven must be publicly invited by the people of the world through the Catholic Church due to free will. Currently, I do not have that need to know, but I suspect that Papa God has a certain date in mind the original date He has intended for all these years and so, all of Heaven is working towards that original date again. Jesus, it is fine with me if we do nothing. Prayer is the only way this collective effort can be achieved. The Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will take place on the same DAY and at the same exact TIME that it is taking place in Garabandal, Spain, as will be revealed by visionary, Conchita, to the world. At the Coronation of Our Blessed Mother Mary in Heaven, another unique, special, holy ceremony took place. Be ready and prepare, Blessed Mother said. However, being unsuccessful, satan finally decided to launch his major attack earlier against mankind in January 2020. I do not know how much of the Ten Secrets have been mitigated, but Jesus tells us in the Book of Truth, that many disasters have been averted. The next Crusade of Prayer to save souls is as follows: O Almighty Father, God the Most High, please have Mercy on all sinners. The Era of Peace will be the complete return of a God-centered Creation: the New Heavens, the new universe and the new earth, based on the divine teachings of Jesus and His chosen Saints. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. So, I want to explain that there was a last-minute intervention by the Blessed Mother early Tuesday morning (December 1st) and Papa God decided that because the U.S. presidential election was not settled yet, it would affect free will too much if the Warning happened now. these past two days, my heart has been rent in sadness, knowing how truly evil that satan is. The First Chamber is purgative and involves the purifying Flame of Love found in the Immaculate Heart of Holy Mother Mary. Four, the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje which we know to be a very great punishment for sins for the entire world is the same event as the conditional Great Chastisement of Garabandal. 11 Later the others also came. If so, where is he and what will bring him forth? Those who survive will rebuild My church on earth. Toggle Navigation Welcome, Bing [Bot] Profile; Messages 0; Notifications ; Account settings; Home; Forum . To be honest, I should have expected these heightened attacks by satan, as even Jesus and the Blessed Mother had prophesied back on December 30 and 31, 2016, that satan was intending to attack those who had helped elect Donald Trump to the U.S. Presidency (which my blog work had helped support the prayer efforts) and that the year 2017 would not be easy for Gods servants: Blessed Virgin Mary These days Satan is vengeful against all those who prayed Mr. Trump into office, Message from Our Savior, Jesus Christ 2017 will not be an easy year for My servants Even if it is just one Hail Mary prayer, your one act of compassionate towards me has literally changed my life. I want to give an overall framework as to the events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus. Putin is more polished and more powerful than was Kim from North Korea The Vatican Deception Worldwide Online Release October 13, 2018 2-Day Rental U.S.$4.99 The world will now seem to become quieter and somewhat strange in the coming months leading up to The Warning. All the barriers to unity, put up over the many centuries, will be swept away in one breath of the Spirit. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I was also told in a very limited way about the Sign of Medjugorje (Third Secret) and its connection to Fatima and Garabandal, but again, I did not receive a vision, so I know only a little about the Sign at Medjugorje. It will make much more sense as time progresses. I had forgotten. Meanwhile, the preparation with being inside (indoors) and covering your doors and windows with blankets and cardboard, is to only take place on the final day, after the 7 days and 7 nights of the sign of the Cross of Jesus in the sky immediately before the Warning happens. However, I have shown in my three previous commentaries how the longer version is correct and complete. And reading such things gave me pause, because how could these events happen if the Second Coming immediately follows the Three Days of Darkness? So, I was blessed with the intuition to feature the Holy Family Refuge messages on this blog. . And so, those are my simple reflections about the Great Chastisement. I am blessed by you all. Your direction and that of My son (name withheld) is not and never has been part of the (names withheld). Look at America. Our Lady has also stated in the Locutions, that the tragedy of the annihilation of nations, is that such a world war catches the lives of so many people off-guard without adequate preparation for the moment of death and final reconciliation with God. Great vision is needed because the devil believes that he is finally able to destroy the Church. I then verified a few days later with my friend who is a chosen messenger that December 8, 2020 was indeed the new chosen date for The Warning. You cannot be at peace without Me. Meanwhile, the third group of the church militant will be the praying soldiers led by St Gabriel Archangel. Now, what most people do not realize is that God did not put much of His Divine Plan to counter the description of satans Apocalypse in Sacred Scriptures. Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (6 pages) of this commentary: The Secrets Of Fatima And La Salette, And The Great Chastisement (PDF) By a soul, The Secrets Of Fatima And La Salette, And The Great Chastisement (ODT) By a soul, The Secrets Of Fatima And La Salette, And The Great Chastisement (WordDoc) By a soul, The Secrets Of Fatima And La Salette, Seeing the union of Israel and the Catholic Church, they will say, We must be one. $24.50 1 Used from $17.55 1 New from $24.50. I will send someone and you will know who it is. Just as Israel was in the moment of distress, so the world itself will be in a moment of complete helplessness. Many leaders in countries, not of the Christian faith, will pay homage to My Father. And, in particular, Christians will be shown clearly that the Tradition of Faith (Catholic Church) is the True Faith of God and mankind will know the steps that need to be taken to avoid the Great Chastisement and to prepare for the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The 3 Days of Darkness is the same event as the Great Chastisement of Garabandal and is the same event as the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje. Recently, a blog follower asked me if God will tilt the earth before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens. Finally, I hope that my special commentary is clear enough for everyone to understand my train of thought. (Ah, indeed!, Holy Family Refuge Messages Papa God The Warning is coming any day now and everyone will have one last chance to vote for God or to sell their soul to satan Limbo is the place where the unborn infants spiritually go upon death, because free-will is a gift that is given to people when they are born and unborn infants who die due to abortion or miscarriage do not have free-will. They, sadly, will go back to their old ways. Next, He quickly grabbed the spirit of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Adam without his knowledge and brought her spirit to Heaven, thus, her spirit would not be tainted with Original Sin. However, I want to take a moment to write this short commentary, to give you. Henceforth, the couple was considered legally to be married, but without sexual union yet. So, I know that there is a delicate line between discerning something being of God or of the devil. Lambs are innocent and gentle. But, people must trust that God has a good reason for everything that He does on earth. I love you dearly and with the utmost affection. The Warning will be a life review encounter with the Lord and everyone will experience a taste of where he or she would end up if they had died at that moment either Heaven, purgatory, or hell. Enough prayer can, and will, avert much of the horror these sinners will try to inflict on the world., After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje But there is nothing to fear, for I love you all. This medal, also became known as the Miraculous Medal, due to the prolific miracles associated with its devotion and belief in its engraved prayer. He will gather the flock and bring back the strays. My little one, you are My little lamb. Then the bride and bridegroom would retire to the bridal chamber (chadar) that he had prepared, and the friend of the bridegroom, the best man, would stand by the door. Conchita of Garabandal and myself (a soul) are the only two people on earth who have been directly told by Heaven what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal consist of. Most people who receive such visions or locutions or heavenly messages are protected by much prayer from others, such as the Medjugorje visionaries, Holy Love Ministries, Luz de Maria (Light of Mary), etc. Granted, that requires the entire world cooperating, but God only knows all the possibilities after the Warning happens and He Is the God of Miracles afterall. You must remain in union with My Son, Jesus Christ, at all times and pray that the Sacraments will be made available to you by loyal priests and clergy during the times of trials which lie before you. Soon, famine will be seen, but not by My Hand it will be by the deliberate contamination of the Earth by the antichrist. They will not believe.. However, much of satans plans for devastation can be mitigated if most of mankind converts through the Warningmuch of this depends on prayers and free will. That is why, my heart has been rent in sadness these past two days in prayer to God. However, the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to write down as much of my thoughts on this subject matter in order to help as many people as possible with one single writing. But I think that those who do everything against God, they will run away from the sign. So, if anyone reading this writing is wondering why these things were revealed to me by God, I do not know. You must continue to serve Me, for there can only be one Master. I can not say anything because even a word would reveal the secret before it's time to do it.". Join as one in union with Me to embrace the New Era of Peace, which awaits all those gracious souls who love Me. And as indicated in heavenly messages at. And unfortunately, to get the entire world back on the right path with God will involve much pain because we are so far off the beaten path. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. I do not know who this unknown person issatans instrument. Others can be reduced, through prayer and fasting first of all. God the Father: The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself Accept your sins for what they are, a human weakness. The Divine Fire in hell IS NOT the same Divine Fire that exists in purgatory and in Heaven. Here is the quote. Mirjana DragicevicMirjana in 1982 when she received the tenth secret that ended her daily appearances. The false visionaries will push themselves into the limelight. As My great Act of Mercy for mankind gets closer, so too will the demons try to block out the Truth and prevent people, good people, from investing the time I need of them to save the souls of My children with no belief at all. My special commentary about the antichrist explains much about this fact by how the grip of satan works on the souls of mankindcomparing the grip of satan to how black holes behave in outer space. Holy Mary is the first Advocate, second only to Her Son, Jesus, before God the Father, in whom all Her prayers are answered for Her beloved children, all of mankind, given to Her at the Cross. (On July 13, 2021, I had a strange and very vivid dream. And finally, I know that people may be wondering about the unveiling of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal and the Ten Secrets of Our Lady of Medjugorje. 6) The Era of Peace (1,000 years) promised by Our Lady of Fatima coincides with the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The following is an excellent introduction to Our Lady of Medjugorje from the pre-eminent Medjugorje website, www . However, knowing all the different heightened ways that I was being attacked spiritually both during the encounter and in the subsequent months before I finally revealed these insights publicly on my blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove in April 2017 (Easter) truly, I do not understand how satan would gain in any substantial way by what I have publicly revealed. There is a precedent in the Old Testament when Moses announces the ten plagues to befall Egypt for their stubborn refusal to repent (the plagues announced beforehand were: 1-2, 4-5, and 7-8. And so, this summary is some of the thoughts that I wanted to share with you all. Note, the Miracle and Sign will take place at multiple locations Marian apparition sites, on earth. Meanwhile, I am grateful to God for the blessing and His unfathomable Love; and I am thankful that I can help others through these writings. Thank You Lord that You will what is best and is beyond your dreams for Your children for we would die without Your protection and restoration and renewal. Because of the demons unleashed in their millions by Satan in these times, they are attacking you on every corner. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. Instead, they will burn in the fires of Hell. God loves each one of His children mankind living on earth. At this feast, a second cup of wine (simcha) would be shared with the bride drinking after the bridegroom. Immediately afterwards, the visionaries would testify about the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (Great Chastisement of Garabandal). You will know my promise and see its fulfillment. This is why you must ignore the obstacles presented to you. Three, during the encounter of the Great Warning, the last three Medjugorje visionaries who have only received Nine of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, will receive the final Tenth Secret by Our Lady. But, Jesus had pity on me, so on September 19th, the Feast Day of Our Lady of La Salette, Jesus privately told me that Papa God had set the new date for The Warning as Tuesday, December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As I revealed in my Easter writing, the last three visionaries will receive the Tenth Secret during the Great Warning. Otherwise, I would be a hypocrite and well, I would be responsible to Our Lord for leading souls astray from Him. First, I want to share an excerpt from the hidden Third Secret of Fatima, which I wrote extensively about in a commentary in 2015 (See The True Third Secret Of Fatima, The Prophecies Of Garabandal And The End Times By a soul, Testify about the Great Warning ( Illumination of Conscience ) happens is clear enough for to... Those are my little lamb the bride drinking after the bridegroom these times, will. That sad eighth secret the fires of hell was Blessed with the bride after. About the tenth secret can not be reduced wine ( simcha ) would be a unique identifier in., it is Miracle and sign will take place at multiple locations apparition... Himself Accept your sins for what they are attacking you on every corner sense as time progresses and. Literally changed my life is why, my heart has been rent in sadness these past days! Discernment of spirits, along with the Great Warning the foolish ones took their lamps did. 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the tenth secret of medjugorje