If the material does not measure up to expected standards of scholarly work, it may still be of use to you. Sometimes, citing a scholar who goes against the tide of established thinking provides you with ammunition for a compelling devils advocate argument. Being able to evaluate the credibility of information is an important skill used in school, work, and day-to-day life. Does the person or organization that published the work have an agenda (ex. Check for contact information and the credentials of the author. Revised on Websites If using an article or blog on a website, read the reference list (if available) Look at the "About Us" section of the website to find out more about the website's author (s), affiliations, submission and editorial process, etc. Below are some questions to ask and things to consider as you read through a source. Like YouTube videos, podcasts can be valuable resources if used correctly. Podcasts are becoming a much more popular digital medium today. Propaganda is the (usually biased) spreading of information for a specific person, group, event, or cause. Consider your audience and compare with a variety of sources. Sometimes, the currency of the source is very important. In these cases, you need to look at the institution or organization that is producing the information. Evaluating Sources: Introduction Evaluating Sources: Introduction Evaluating sources means recognizing whether the information you read and include in your research is credible. It ensures that you collect accurate information to back up the arguments you make and the conclusions you draw. However, the veracity and reliability of online news sources can vary enormouslybe sure to pay careful attention to authority here. Lateral reading is the act of evaluating the credibility of a source by comparing it to other sources. While this is a good first step, it cant tell you for sure if a source is actually relevant to your research. A myriad of organisations offer analysis, data, intelligence and research on developments in international higher education. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Citing information from an unreliable source makes academic audiences wary of your entire argument because it is based on information held to a lower level of integrity. Possible consequences include misinformation of yourself and others by trusting the claims of a source that might not be reliable, and damage to your own writing reputation. Opinion: The Purdue OWL is the best website for writing help. A good argument should be based on analysis and critique, and there should be a logical relationship between evidence and conclusions. Do the same for any other websites that dont meet the high standard for academic integrity. PDF. Its possible to find many news articles online, both from digital newspapers and websites that post news articles. Evaluating Sources for Credibility What does it mean for a source to be credible? Determining a websites credibility can be especially confusing for websites with a .org extension that appear to have a governmental or educational affiliation. Transcript Need Help? However, if you used a different search engine, such as Yahoo or Bing, your results may differ. Why is it important to use these sources? To evaluate the credibility of a source, first look at its mode of publication. Evaluating source credibility is an important information literacy skill. If so, it should have a clear bibliography that you will also be able to consult for further sources. Your judgment should involve critical thinking and assessment of purpose, currency, authority, and accuracy of the source. If you cannot find that information corroborated in scholarly sources, thats a red flag that the information is not trustworthy, and you should not include it in your argument. For this reason, academic journals are often considered among the most credible sources you can use in a research project provided that the journal itself is trustworthy and well-regarded. what a sources motive is. As you cannot possibly read every source related to your topic, its important to evaluate sources to assess their relevance. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. Beware of grandiose claims, and critically analyze anything not cited or backed up by evidence. 2015. By using our site, you agree to our. The materials collected here do not express the views of, or positions held by, Purdue University. The author and publication should be a trusted authority on the subject you are researching. Verify the information you already know against the information found in the source. Are there any specific texts or scholars that have greatly influenced the field? For example, as recently as the 1960s, most scholarly linguists believed African American Vernacular English to be a deficient, broken form of standard American English reflective of African Americans lack of cognitive abilities. Podcasts are essentially audio files that can be streamed on a computer or mobile device, like portable radio. Mailing Address: 3501 University Blvd. Tegan George. How timely is the source? Revised on Though this sort of vandalism is rare, it is not unheard of. When was the website last updated? Scribbr. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice. If you are going to use the Internet as your main source for information, beware! an article that is evaluated by other experts in the field) or published by a university press, professional society, or scientific publisher (all of which also operate peer-review processes)? Very helpful.". For these reasons, they are typically considered credible sources. It should be evident who created the content. Academic journals are often a great place to find trustworthy and credible content, and are considered one of the most reliable sources you can use in academic writing. Our daily routine and habits determine what we eat but not when we eat. There are six (6) criteria that should be applied when evaluating any Web site: authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage, and appearance. These will give you a clear idea of the authors intentions, the parameters of the research, and even the conclusions they draw. Different websites have different domain extensions, that is, the final string of letters following the period on a websites domain name. Facts are objective, while opinions and propaganda are subjective. Is the journal indexed in academic databases? It can be very unclear (often by design!) What is the credibility of secondary sources? If credentials are not listed, that does not mean that the author has no expertise, but it does make it hard for you to evaluate whether he/she/they do and that means the sources may not be appropriate for college level research. Do they agree or disagree with other scholars? Relevance. Is the source related to your research topic? Most clickbait articles want to shock the reader, so be aware of words like surprising, alarming, and shockingin titles. You may have found good information, but your provider can tell you whether it's good for you. One of the best ways to evaluate source credibility is the CRAAP test. In academia, these types of arguments are sometimes more valued than those based on the writings of famous thinkers because they suggest you have the ability to question accepted thinking and push the boundaries of the discipline. Enjoy! Example of just one fallacious quotation that can be found online. The criteria for evaluating each point depend on your research topic. Can you identify who the author is? Information can usually be divided into three categories: fact, opinion, and propaganda. Are the journals policies on copyright and peer review easily available? This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. These will entice the reader by stating that the reader probably cannotanswer each question correctly. It is important to critically evaluate images you use for research, study, and presentations. However, if you find information that you find useful, that information may be cited in a more reputable footnote. If the author is affiliated with a reputable institution or organization, what are its values and goals? As a general rule, all .gov websites are credible because they have the weight of governmental institutions behind them. For tips on getting a second opinion and evaluating non-academic sources, read on! The ability to navigate and evaluate digital resources is essential to both educators and students. Websites that end in .com or .org are credible if they're backed by respected institutions, but not if they have a clear bias or are created by a private individual. Is the source twenty years out of date? Severe academic dishonesty can include buying a pre-written essay or the answers to a multiple-choice test, or falsifying a medical emergency to avoid taking a final exam. Because of the .org domain extension, it appears more credible. CRAAP test One of the best ways to evaluate source credibility is the CRAAP test. What to look for when evaluating online sources Author. Is a source of funding disclosed? Social media posts, blogs, and personal websites can be good resources for a situational analysis or grounding of your preliminary ideas, but exercise caution here. Legitimate OERs can be a great resource. All rights reserved. Is the author affiliated with a university or another institution? Research 101: Credibility is contextual Students recognize that credibility may vary by context and information need. The last example above uses facts in a bad-faith way to take advantage of the audience's fear. letters, interviews). A high number of Cited By results can often be a measurement of credibility. Non-scholarly books might deal with scholarly subject matter sociology, for example, or politics. Evaluating Sources Read More Diane Shepelwich 3395 26 Criteria for Evaluating Sources Almost all peer-reviewed journals require a subscription fee. An example of a Wikipedia page that has been vandalized to include a joking reference to the film, When looking for sources online, its important to recognize which article titles sound like clickbait. Note that this does not mean that all information found in well-packaged sources is credible. Source Credibility: How To Select The Best Sources Finding sources for research is important, but using unreliable sources will hurt your credibility and make . Could the evidence be used to draw other conclusions? It's important to evaluate the sources you're considering using, in order to: Ensure that they're credible. Reducing the cost of fresh fruits and vegetables does not influence the consumption of these foods. Sometimes simply typing an authors name into a search engine will give you an initial springboard for information. Are they an expert or are they less experienced with the topic? Snell, Julia. 2 Mar. Authority. Newspapers can be a great way to glean first-hand information about a historical event or situate your research topic within a broader context. There is a way to contact the author or publisher of my source. For example, there are on-line journals that utilize peer-review thus providing greater credibility to the publication. The peer review process evaluates submissions to academic journals. You can also consider using an academic database like LexisNexis or government open data to get started. The originating source (author, publisher, sponsor) of the information. Its important to understand the types of sources and how you should use them in your field of research. [For web sources]: The layout of my source is professional and recently updated. "Dialect, Interaction And Class Positioning At School: From Deficit To Difference To Repertoire." Always seek your second opinion ahead of the deadline for your project. How to Evaluate the Credibility of a Source, https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2014/07/17/%C5%BEi%C5%BEek-plagiarism-and-lowering-expectations-essay, https://www.angelo.edu/library/handouts/peerrev.php, https://www.usg.edu/galileo/skills/unit07/internet07_08.phtml, http://www.aaupnet.org/aaup-members/membership-list, https://ohiostate.pressbooks.pub/choosingsources/chapter/author-and-publisher/, https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/online-health-information-it-reliable, http://www.theguardian.com/science/sifting-the-evidence/2013/oct/21/medical-research-health, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4530930.stm, evaluar la credibilidad de una fuente de informacin, Quellen auf ihre Glaubwrdigkeit berprfen. There are two key steps: Ask questions before you trust what you read or hear. Question everything, books, articles, and websites can all be unreliable sources. If you don't find your topic discussed, try searching for some synonyms in the Index. The author's level of expertise on the topic he or she is writing about could take the form of an advanced degree or other extensive experience in the field. Is it in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (i.e. Its important to not necessarily evaluate an online source simply based on its domain extension. Government websites - Websites created by government agencies are usually reliable and provide up-to-date information on topics such as health, politics, law and economics. What are the top three things that indicate that my source is credible? However, unlike encyclopedias, Wikipedia pages can be edited by anyone, which means that sometimes the information stated is not reliable and is edited for the sake of making a joke (see example below). For example, companies that are owned by Google will most likely appear first when searching for something on Google. This website collects and publishes the ideas of individuals who have contributed those ideas in their capacities as faculty-mentored student scholars. Domain extensions help differentiate the type of websites and the different purposes they serve. This stands for: However, despite the many credible digital sources available today, there are still many unreliable sources available on the internet. Many people have personal websites, such as blogs, that are not associated with a larger group or organization. In fact, even Wikipedia itself encourages its users to take caution when gathering information from its site. You will likely use a combination of the three types over the course of your research process. Be sure they have a Creative Commons license allowing them to be duplicated and shared, and meet the CRAAP test criteria, especially in the authority section. PNAS Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 111.43 (2014): 15316-15321. How does the website look and feel? If you use one of these in your research, it is probably a primary source. This way, you can assess whether the source is representing the data accurately, or cherry-picking to give a misleading picture of the situation described in the primary source. When doing research, you will use a variety of sources such as books, newspaper articles, magazines or journals, and websites. Evaluating Primary Sources It is important to examine primary sources with a critical eye since they represent unfiltered records of the past. If you are researching for an academic paper, then you need to have very credible,. You should evaluate the credibility of the information by yourself. Most of the sources you use in your assessments should be credible and academic, such as peer reviewed journals and scholarly texts. CRAAP test Currency The timeliness of the information. Your resources need to be recent enough for your topic. Online scholarly databases that can be trusted and are known to provide useful information for students include LexisNexis and EBSCO. For a web source, the URL and layout should signify that it is trustworthy. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. A credible source should pass the CRAAP testand follow these guidelines: Peer review is a process of evaluating submissions to an academic journal. There are no glaring grammatical or orthographic errors. This is not to say that less-established scholars work is not credible. Use Wikipedia as a starting point that points you toward better sources. Evaluation of a source's credibility is a complex process that requires critical thinking and reading. Note for Purdue Students: Schedule a consultation at the on-campus writing lab to get more in-depth writing help from one of our tutors. Students are able to identify how a credible source could be used for a particular need. If you have doubts about an on-line source, you can discuss it with your instructor or TA and you can elect not to use it. In general, check for vague terms, buzzwords, or writing that is too emotive or subjective. Are you directly analyzing the source itself (primary), or only using it for background information (secondary). Use information from a textbook only for the background information necessary to build the foundation for your more innovative argument. What is the importance of material sources? If youre reading a fact-based source, be sure that it doesnt oversimplify the topic. Note also that the difference between an opinion and propaganda is that propaganda usually has a specific agenda attachedthat is, the information in the propaganda is being spread for a certain reason or to accomplish a certain goal. As you examine each source, it is important to evaluate each source to determine the quality of the information provided within it. This could be a sign of bias. Last Updated: December 13, 2022 When evaluating the credibility of a website, look first at the URL. While almost anyone can produce a podcast, and topics range from discussing tv shows or books like The Bachelorand Harry Potter, other podcasts give in-depth information about science, history, anthropology, and a wide variety of other topics. This stands for: How you evaluate a source using these criteria will depend on your subject and focus. The OER Commons is a public digital library that is curated by librarians, and a solid place to start. The information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Possessing these skills will give you the ability to objectively and successfully critique online materials. Has the author of the article published other articles? Always make sure to properly cite your sources to avoid plagiarism. Evaluating the Credibility of Your Sources Remember, your use of sources is a means of supporting the argument you make. You need to make sure that the source wasn't written by your average Joe Schmoe who may not have any expertise in the subject he is writing about. An opinion gives the thoughts of a particular individual or group. The process of evaluating scholarly materials also enhances your general skills and ability to: You should also examine whether the author has other publications and if they are with well-known publishers or organizations. The more radical the ideas presented in the source (in comparison to other sources on the same subject) the more carefully you should scrutinize it. They are not always reliable and may be written from a biased or uninformed perspective, but they can still be cited in some contexts. Most sites that use clickbait use it to simply gain clicks on their site. Sign up for wikiHow's weekly email newsletter. Search engine optimization (often abbreviated SEO) is a strategy used to increase unpaid views on a website from search engines. How can you tell if a source is credible? The handout below can be downloaded to help walk through the process. This will give you an overview of the source. While a scientific study showed that Wikipedia is as accurate as professionally generated encyclopedias. Evaluating Sources | Methods & Examples. Scholarly books will provide an extensive list of references to bolster their academic credibility, whereas non-scholarly books often make claims without any credible referential support. To evaluate a source's critical reception: Check in the library's book and film review databases t o get a sense of how a source was received in the popular and scholarly press. You should have a clear idea of your own research question or topic and . A quick. When evaluating social media sites, its important to know more about a user beyond their username. On the other hand, some well-known organizations use a .com domain extension. Discuss the information you find with your health care provider before you rely on it. . Are they an innovator, or a follower and promoter of the status quo? A well-known strategy for testing the quality of sources is the CRAAP test. These sections usually provide information about who the author is and what sort of . Scribbr. The materials collected here do not express the views of, or positions held by, Purdue University. This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue University. For further guidance, Kaneisha Gaston, Teaching and Undergraduate Services Librarian in Butler Library, can help you evaluate online sources forcredibility. They often do not have single authors or publication dates, and their motivation can be more difficult to ascertain. Validity is harder to assess, but it can be estimated by comparing the results to other relevant data or theory. American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Comparative Literature Association, Learn more about our academic editing services, First-hand evidence giving you direct access to your research topic, Second-hand information that analyzes, describes, or, Sources that identify, index, or consolidate primary and secondary sources. A panel of reviewers in the same subject area decide whether a submission should be accepted for publication based on a set of criteria. Coverage (relevance): Consider whether the source is relevant to your research and whether it covers the topic adequately for your . 3 Ways to Evaluate the Credibility of a Source - wikiHow Thinking Skills Critical Thinking How to Evaluate the Credibility of a Source Download Article methods Source Evaluation Help 1 Evaluating Sources for Academic Projects 2 Evaluating Sources for Everyday Life Other Sections Questions & Answers Video Related Articles References Article Summary When Isaac Newton said the famous quote "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.", The underlining is that all his work was made possible because he learned from time-proofed know. If you need some guidance on finding good sources, set up a research consultation with Columbia Libraries to find credible academic sources to support your work. Columbia University in the City of New York. However, you might not want to quote a tweet by someone with an anonymous name and a Twitter handle such as @iluvscience321. For example, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will provide only that information which supports their cause, whereas the U.S. For example, podcasts like Stuff You Missed in History Classand Historium Unearthiaprovide information on often-overlooked historical events. If youre reading a fact-based source, the veracity and reliability of online news sources can enormouslybe. Compare with a reputable institution or organization that published the work have an agenda ( ex example, companies are... Established thinking provides you with ammunition for a source using these criteria depend! Sources Remember, your use of sources is credible information provided within it or... A historical event or situate your research topic in the same subject area decide whether a submission should credible. 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how do you evaluate the credibility of a source