While he hated everything he had been through, he was quite glad he was no longer that hyperactive ten year old. Apollo grimaced, not happy to have Percys stumble confirm his fears. Really, Grover? Annabeth shook her head. She was in the sky, his own element. Let's dance. 8. Annabeth nodded. Chiron winced but said nothing. "But Oh, rightsearch for Annabeth immediately.". Not just the two of you anyway. Yeah but its probably Percys luck that makes it go wrong. Connor stated with a chuckle. But I think I meant the monster.. Youd be surprised. Thankfully, help is already coming. Will said. Piper glared at him and he grinned sheepishly. Epic fights! What do you mean? Artemis asked. 11. There is one assassin . Follow him on his journey of choosing the right path while also helping and recruiting members into his group. Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media . Oh dear. Demeter sighed. 15. He could not imagine intervening in such a matter without at least giving Percy a stern talking to. Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think. Really? Athena scowled. No! Athena cried. still a God. Said God glared at him for that statement. It was so easy to forget Nico was only twelve. 12. Betrayal didn't help her feel better. And if I hadnt done something, then the place would have been crawling with monsters that I would never have been able to fight on my own. Annabeth pointed out. left kudos on this work! I won! Dionysus crowed gleefully. Thats always a safe topic. Grover laughed. They did not want their children fighting a Manticore. Itll just give away the fact your are demigods. Demeter noted. The girls dont sound any better than the guys. The people loved him even most of the gods. Perseus Achilles Jackson was the first born son of Kronos, but his mother wasn't Rhea. He is the eldest of the Titans, the firstborn son of Ouranos and Gaea, and the brother and husband of Tethys. Grover threw a fake glare at Thalia who simply smiled innocently at him. Nico scowled. And then he reappeared. He was her brother. Not good at all. Hades mused. It was hard. Hes right. Ares spoke up. Thats the end of the chapter. Hephaestus announced. So far it seemed like the daughter of Athena would be a worthy addition to her ranks. 20. The Gods have done enough, and it's time someone opposes them. Coping With the First Loss Percy Jackson | Annabeth Chase Percy Jackson | Adventure Betrayed Tartarus Chaos. The Gods Vote How to Kill Us 13. While it was a mark of a good demigod, Percy already had enough of a target on his back. I hadnt decided anything yet.. Percy glared. Its quite interesting hearing about a school dance from a guys perspective. Piper said with a laugh. The two clashed in a fierce battle, their powers shaking the very foundations of the earth. left kudos on this work! Youre rescue operation? Annabeth asked in a teasing voice, trying to lighten the grim mood. Might have knocked some sense into him. Grover smirked, glancing between the two of them. 16. She took the book from Piper and began reading. The sacrifice given by the gods gave their Percy Jackson and Jason Grace an opening to slay the Earth Mother. Aww, how cute. He achieved greatness as a hero and was known for his loyalty to his loved ones.After helping Olympus survive the first Giant War, he was offered to become a God. Not that she would have gotten far with so many monsters nearby. You didnt even teach him that it was possible to manipulate the mist? He asked Chiron. His half brothers blatant disregard for their lives was a bit disturbing. I wonder which of those would make a better weapon. Clarisse muttered sarcastically. Well, its not like the punishment is much of a deterrent. Poseidon snorted, recalling when his son had been attacked in the first book by the Ares campers. Almost. Warning: Strong language, Percy is a god, and it's a Percy/Harem story. Mr. D seemed"Well, that's gratifying. Killing him? I sat bolt uprightLuke was responsible. That doesnt mean you shouldnt call her! Annabeth yelled at him in exasperation. Killing stuff. Clarisse said immediately. What would happen if Kronos captured either of them? They will pay. Zeus grumbled furiously. Indeed. If I know its poison, I have more chances of being able to do something about it in time.. You really shouldve known better by then. Thalia told her. He cant dance. Thalia noted with a smile. He took a large sip of wine to celebrate. He was glad he didnt have to decide quite yet. What? Jason breathed, going pale. The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. 14. . Definitely sounds like a castle out of a horror movie. Rachel commented. 6. Will just kept smirking at him infuriatingly. 10. She knew Ares was right, it would be a poor strategy to send the two demigods Kronos wanted most, right into his hands. My plans go to Hades anyway. That sounds dangerously close to caring. Clarisse said in a mocking tone. She might not have known him for long but she knew how much Bianca had meant to him. Instead of being the prophecy child of the Great Prophecy, Percy must choose. 2 pages May 28, 2021 Bi and Confused. Someone had actually died. Were you going to mention that you wanted to join the Hunters? Percy asked. How come shes not here with us? Gwen wondered. If purpose can be found after the tragedy, after the grief. That is the one downside. Urgh, really? Chris grimaced over at Grover. So as an infant Poseidon sends percy to he Avatar word to save him from the prophecy. There are no legends of him. The older boy nodded. Gee, thanks. Nico grumbled jokingly. Man your mind is weird. Chris said, shaking his head in amusement. Poseidon squeezed his sons shoulders. I Wrestle Santas Evil Twin Artemis Hunt is a worker in a coffee shop, a babysitter and an actress- in work. all but one- Perseus. I guess so. I Put On a Few Million Extra Pounds We had . There were another six books left. writing gets better, i promise Her father is a highly accomplished businessman and her mother is a social worker. Being a god meant never dying and never living. Probably not the best idea at a school dance. Travis said with a laugh. No probably about it. Annabeth laughed. He didnt deserve to find out like this. Jack was a happy kid, he got good grades; a bright future. Not your worst lie. Travis said consideringly. We Visit the Junkyard of The Gods The creator had seen everything. That wont work if one of them is a monster. ttc-tlo Yes, well, it helps to prevent arguments breaking out during dinner. Chiron told him. Although, had it been anyone else, they wouldnt have fallen for it and allowed the betrayal to happen. Percy. ]. Immediately Nico, Percy, Thalia and Grover all grimaced. You wanted to speak to me? Poseidon asked. After the war against the Titans was settled, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the two most profound heroes of Olympus, were finally able to get some peaceful time. And you would do well to watch your words., Hey, these are just my private thoughts to which I am entitled. He tried not to think about that very much, suddenly rather glad she had become a Hunter. Not making me feel any better here. Apollo grimaced. Along the way, he must face a host of mythological enemies determined to stop him. Weird thing aboutovercompensate or something. She was put in foster care when she was a baby and spent most of her life in the foster care system when she found out she's a demigod. In fact, itll probably do it good. Apollo put a hand on his chest and put on an exaggeratedly hurt face but Piper started reading before he could reply. No touching. Percy sighed. Sadly that time is over and now he must face the truth and pain. What did you do? Annabeth asked Grover. Grover and Thalia also didnt seem to notice. Poseidon pointed out to his brother. What if Percy left camp? It felt strange to hear about, and be so concerned for, her half sister that she had never even met. Half bloods usually arent. Dionysus drawled. I looked nervously"Me, Seaweed Brain.". Follow Percy's Journey as the god trains and aids him through his journey to become the Greatest demigod to walk on Earth and save the Western Civilization. I was taller than you. She grinned. Yes its a shame your daughter is missing but as we suspected she had been taken by a Manticore it is not worth risking losing more children in an attempt to find her. Yes, youll be sensing the monster around. He suspected that Annabeth hadnt even really thought about escape. The wine God did a double take at the brats defense of him. They took their previous seats and Piper squeezed Jasons hand before continuing to read. And I shall inflict upon those who would betray others the pain of being betrayed". He knew his son had done awful things but he could not wish his death. She glared at him but he didnt even notice he was too busy chuckling. Well, Im going to guess the two of you will be involved pretty much from the beginning as it all started when we came to pick you up. I think even Id be tempted to blast you for that.. He was only allowed to visit his own home once a year for a single day. I thought that was you and Clarisse? Will asked. I am the God of Prophecy after all. Apollo said smugly. And then he was forgotten. That was before I had spent much time with you. Percy retorted. I mean, quite a few Gods are going to have to hear about their kids dying when we get to the summer with the Labyrinth but it probably wont be in as much detail as Biancas death.. It was never fun when the Hunters came to stay. Luke had taken the sky from Atlas with the sole purpose of convincing Annabeth to take it to then convince Artemis to do so. Percy woke up to the sound of the door being kicked off its hinges. 17. Athena bit her lower lip. Hyperion, Krios, Iapetus, Koios, Kronos, Rhea, Oceanus, Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, Rhea, and Themis. After a few moments, Piper nervously started reading again. Everyone nodded at that. First while we were escorting two sons of Hermes to camp we were ambushed. We picked up my friends Annabeth and Thalia on the way. I Go Snowboarding With A Pig Literally. I want to hear this as well. Clarisse grinned evilly. Well it was that or be thrown out. Thalia shrugged. Well, at least Percys acting natural. Clarisse snickered. He was not looking forward to reading about heh ad behaved as a ten year old. "I'm not goingbasketball in the corner. I may not necessarily have time to talk, especially if we are at war, but I would never be upset that you called. Oh good. I Have a Dam Problem You called your dad? Annabeth asked with a frown. Oh yes, because you were so understanding back then. Thalia scoffed, recalling how close Percy had come to being incinerated. "That's right," Thalia said. Fate had something different for him. Ok, come on. Percy Jackson x fem!oc I didnt realise you wanted to see more of me, kelp head.. It is when there is a monster at said school. Annabeth pointed out. "We'll get Annabeth back,""We'll find a way.". She squeezed his arm. Is she willing to give him her love, or will our hero once again be betrayed? My Rescue Operation Goes Very Wrong He would see how hard it was hearing about Bianca when she was alive before hearing about her death. 470 20 3. Because of the magic boundaries. Turns out the voice belonged to a god. Will Percy Jackson be able to save Olympus again? I didnt realise you guys would let the snow in. He shrugged. He was locked away. You were on the demigod side last time so youve never actually won. Percy reminded her. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. That did make some sense but it would be nice to be able to sit with Annabeth sometimes. Percy has killed enough monsters that they all probably have heard of him by now. Apollo said, a bit of worry creeping into his voice. "Thank you Perseus you have done us a great honor." Hades said resting his hand on my shoulder discreetly sending a pulse of energy into me at the same time as Hestia did from her arms wrapped around my waist. Percy Jackson and The Fleeing Titan. None taken. Wine dude? Dionysus now turned to Apollo who smirked. 9. . Given her reluctance to discuss it, he assumed their mother was dead but it would still be nice to hear about her. There is nothing wrong with my outfit. Dionysus snapped, just wanting this chapter to be done with already despite the fact that they had only just started. Well, you did have a sword. Beckendorf pointed out. Percy Jackson was the primordial God of Life, Death, Hunt, Moon, Battle, Battle Strategies, Hubris, Power, Immortality, Mortality, seas, Time, And The Faded. oc Only his son was strong enough to do that. But I fell in love, with Nico Di Angelo, the son of Hades. I needed to stall them. Needlessly. Nico nodded. I was just considering. Yeah. Artemis finds herself turned mortal, but she isn't alone. "What do you mean?"Oceanus. Glad he sounds so concerned about his sister being missing in action. Frank scoffed. She had known that Percy had felt undermined when she came back but she hadnt cared. Please consider turning it on! Order and Chaos have been at war for millennia. As I went deeper into my slumber the dreams started and they were not pleasant in any way. Because they dont play by the Camp rules. But instead of being a Titan he was a primordial. Percy Jackson's Greek Gods Early Life. What was he up to, what were his intentions? Oceanus stayed neutral last time. Glad to know you find me scary. Thalia smirked. Still, he was apprehensive about the boys confession that he probably deserved to be turned into a dolphin. She had heard from Thalia that Percy had been extremely upset when she was missing and part of her was sort of looking forward to hearing about it. So, no, I didnt appreciate his attitude, but I also didnt realise exactly how much his hands were tied too. Poseidon smiled proudly at his son. Even if I couldnt beat him, I didnt want him getting away with Nico and Bianca. He knew it was around this time that Clarisse had found his half brother. Athena sighed. Perseus the youngest son of Gaea was cursed by the gods and exiled to the Island of Ogygia for aiding the Titans in the First Titan war. He did not understand how he was still alive and not transformed into some creature. Not if she didnt want to escape. Percy muttered to himself. Not only did Percy have the best relationship with his Godly parent, but his mortal one also was amazing. For a second, therewine dude? Now Nico groaned. This was only the third book, he thought in consternation. Advice about a decision that she cannot make on her own, a decision that could make or break her, or those around her. I cant believe you called Mr D wine dude. Will smirked at Nico. Itll be a trap. To be fair, he had just been woken up. Nico shrugged. Frank frowned sympathetically. 17. Thorn took you there and then just left you? Triton asked. Zagreus is the Olympian God of Rebirth and is the only Olympian Deity that is shown to be able to go through a Rebirth Cycle at least once, he has been the half-brother of both the famous Heracles and infamous Adolf Hitler within his two lifespans, the only bloodline of the Big Three that he . I am tracking the monster and I planned to start at Mount Othrys., But he only caught Annabeth by accident. Aphrodite frowned. Oh great. Percy said sarcastically. Annabeth was interested to see what had happened while she had been captured. In this book, a quest is undertaken by both the Hunters of Artemis and campers to save Annabeth Chase and the goddess Artemis when it is realized that they have been abducted by the same forces. In the final battle with Gaia, five of the seven chosen heroes fall with the Olympians. Will make you a new one. Tyson promised. He gave her a wicked smile, as if he knew something she didn't. Perseus has been alive for millennia. I literally have no idea. She whispered back. I agree, Dionysus could at least not act so callously but he cant help much either.. He would be forever grateful for what she had done for him. I didnt realise Chiron hadnt shown you. She shrugged. Grover Gets a Lamborghini Still. As you've seen with my other books, I like to spin my own A/u where Perseus was born a son of Artemis , but was thrown away by the goddess due to his gender From The Beginning {A Percy Jackson Fanfiction}. Oh fine! She glared at him as Percy smirked triumphantly. Percy. ", What? Hermes frowned. Yeah. It is. fuck life. A year on since Percy Jackson declined the chance to become a god. (inspired by Hunters of archer), one-sided ships towards Percy. Oooh, we have to hear these. Connor said eagerly. Thats probably what I would be doing. Leo nodded. Its still pretty cool. Frank said. Through a series of events, he has been bound by blood to a powerful monster Percy Jackson was having a perfectly normal day until he started hearing a voice in his head. Your daughter is not worth that risk. Ares stated. Now Poseidon frowned. Its freaky how they always know who you are.. His ship was. What if Percy hadn't let Bianca go into the Talos statue? ** AU where Percy was born a god and the council needs him as the end of the world was predicted in a vision. Artemis had just given birth to a male on August 21st, 1993. But what happens when a war comes between his siblings Perseus Son Of Gaia And Tartarus (PJO/HOO), Perseus Jackson, First born son of Kronos and Rhea. Apparently not. Percy shrugged. A few people nodded. If only you would remember that, The whole point of my gift is so you can contact your mother so she doesnt. Evidently it wasnt nothing. Artemis raised an eyebrow. It was clear that their father didnt know yet though, given the curious expression on his face. Thank you. Athena nodded to Chiron while Annabeth smiled gratefully. So, all of this could be avoided if father brought his head out of the sand for more than one second. Apollo said grumpily. Born From The Hearth Aphrodite walked through the halls of Olympus, turning heads as was usual when she passed by. Youre talking to Percy and you think dancing is acting natural? Grover snickered. Percy hadnt shown much inclination to speak with him so far, not enough to actually call him anyway. You had a job to do. Percy told him. Artemis consults her archnemesis to give her advice about her new found love(r) Percy Jackson, a broken hero that just wants and deserves to be loved. Hey, its not like anyone tells me this stuff. He was dead. I am not cute ! Nico hissed back in an undertone. They arrived at the cave to find him curled up in a ball next to a small fire. Percy Jackson was the primordial God of Life, Death, Hunt, Moo. Besides, I would not want to risk you falling in battle or being captured. Poseidon told his son. And no, it would not annoy me. Poseidon assured his son. After many centuries of watching over the threads of trust being woven and cut, all the while experiencing everything secondhand and constantly being reminded of his own circumstance, he snaps. Yes you can Iris message the Gods. 8. Reading the Percy Jackson books story. My Rescue Operation Goes Very Wrong This is not good.. To be honest, if Percy hadnt snapped at him I would have. Thalia admitted. Artemis rolled her eyes and began muttering about boys. Or he would not participate.. Percy Jackson isn't just a demigod. In a far away world how do the choices of a single person affect the whole world, Let's find out join the hero Perseus Jackson on his life journey, he's a little different but then again so is the world he lives iin. Er, just a second. Just not together. Clarisse said. Its true. The Satyr admitted. It is For once Im the popular kid and you know whatit sucks. A few people chuckled, though they agreed with Percy. Percy just nodded. There was a few moments silence before Piper kept reading, though her eyes were constantly flickering to the door. But I promise to let you know before we get tothat part and you can choose if you want to leave. 168 Stories. Well, youve already seen how well Percy deals with Thalia being in charge. Connor said. PERCY JA. Hermes tried not to visibly react to this statement. Two thirteen-year-olds stumble from the infamous archway to start life anew. Poseidon was determined to find out. Percy Jackson Characters are horny as fuck. Dr Thorn definitely doesnt seem to be affected by the mist, at least not like she does. Hazel noticed. Nobody would mind if you sat this one out. Nico gave a half smile that looked more like a grimace. Mr D has running shoes? Chris said in surprise. Neither twin said anything to the rest of the room. Dionysus attitude had always angered him but his recent talk with Chiron had made him think about a few things. 19. 10. Hades was even more concerned because both of his children were defenceless and Poseidon was worried that his son was already poisoned and facing such a powerful monster pretty much alone. She just smirked at him. I admit I didnt get it then. Percy shrugged. He was locked away. The group of demigods tracked through Tartarus for 1 day and during that time they were ambushed by a group of monsters. Percy Jackson was the first born son of Kronos and Rhea. Hephaestus handed the book to his brother with an eye roll, easily guessing where Ares mind had gone to. Nico grimaced and Will put an arm around his shoulders. Anci Percy Jackson is The Overlord, he was 'born' in a void of darkness, he was there before the Gods, T After the war with Kronos, the Olympians were weak. Percy Jackson had had fun as a young half-blood, going on quests and saving the world, but eventually heros grow up. Will he marry his lady love? You clearly wanted to be in charge. Cant help it.. Everyone who didnt know what happened was quite eager to hear about what Percy would do next. But it was pretty weird how she acted in the sun chariot.. They were the children of the Primordials. Poseidon raised an eyebrow. Thalia grimaced. 21. Annabeth froze while Artemis studied the girl interestedly. Thalia and Grover just interrupt or find an excuse to leave. Annabeth said, glaring at both of them. But can a certain blue eyed daughter of Zeus change his perspective of things? "And, uh, be good!". Chiron gave them both stern looks but was clearly biting back a fond smile. Physical strength is not the only thing that can be used. Artemis reminded her father. That makes it my turn. ares said eagerly. "Annabeth may bepretend to cooperate.". She would not bother to save the boy but a maidenthat would make her take the sky. The whole point of my gift is so you can contact your mother so she doesnt Not when you have another year and a half until you turn sixteen.. Though refusing at first, he suffers a traumatic betrayal and eventually accepts.His domains as a God fittingly included Loyalty and Betrayal. It was published on May 1st, 2007. 12. The tail of a Manticore does move incredible fast.. Annabeth and Athena both rolled their eyes. You needed to make weapons for dad. Percy told him. They wouldnt just leave him there, he is too important. Jason scoffed. You dont know what the monster is or how powerful. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (57), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (137), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (80), The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (11), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) (7), The Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson) (32), Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano (12), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), The lightning Thief, (Adheera's Version- Alternate Universe), Percy Jackson/Original Female Character(s), Persephone Goes Willingly With Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Thalia Grace/Percy Jackson/Zo Nightshade, Mount Olympus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Thalia Grace/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean, Perseus, God of Loyalty and Betrayal *Working Title*. `` we 'll get Annabeth back, '' '' we percy jackson titan fanfiction find a way. `` must a. 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