The Lighthouse is a clear winner small(ish), and very productive although a bit of a phallic symbol. Build it ASAP. Its not the worst GB, but its close! You can put points into your Great Buildings as much and as often as you like. Do some GBs bonuses cancel other bonuses out? St Marks Basilica: Excellent (peaceful/traders). The happiness it gives you early on is good, but later in the game wains down and becomes insignificant but the forge points (FPs) you get are very usefulespecially at the early stage in the game when you can build it and when the building is levelled up higher. Guild Goods It does not take into effect the rising income of new age buildings making the costs relative. Once the Great Building's requirements have been met and the foundation laid, it will be at level 0 and must be "leveled" to level 1 before granting benefits to the player. Take it to 10 after the other 3 combat buildings. Boosts the supply production of your production buildings for the first number of collections per day, adds up with productivity bonus and motivation. Observatory: Low priority. Web You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires the online strategy game. CDM-60, maybe 65. You are using an out of date browser. DONT, repeat, DONT make this mistake. I'm sure other guilds like Vice Versa or Awesome Avengers (1st and 3rd) have over half of their members having an Arc over Level 80. And I will end with almost 3 Phantom towers and 4 workshops. That happens at levels 5, 16, 28, 41, 58, and 91. Let's say you get first place in an Arc levelling up to Level 10. Great Buildings are one of the fundamental mechanics of Forge of Empires. HAGIA SOFIA Very Good Its too big. day. It doesn't go outdated easily, but overall, it might not be a good idea to build it if you don't have a lot of space left, and do not prioritize this over the Alcatraz or the Castel. Is there a list anywhere that shows the rewards for the GBs at each level, or at least shows the optimal level for each GB? Thre are GBs that are worthless and other vital. It means that if you contribute in a Great Building, you get EXTRA Forge Points. Now this. And it helps everyone. Viceroy. Hmm those numbers seem low to me to be considered optimum. GvG Support Pool Not saying the former arent important; they have their place. However I was already at Modern Era when Tomorrow (and the Tower) were released so couldnt benefit. Bottom line: get it it pays for itself and is not too hard to fit in. And THIS, is why happiness, coins and supplies-providing Great Buildings suck - the inflation of how many coins and supplies needed will eventually make them look like it's meant to be served as a part of a Happy Meal in McDonalds. The building is pretty compact, and it provides 12 goods (24 unrefined after modern (UAM)) on level 10. I do see some people with the Arc and I want to use the same strategy to get that, but as you said I want to go for the dyna tower first. The other benefit of Notre Dame is to provide lots of happiness (3900 when maxed). How do you advise people of low level to get the blueprints and goods to build the Tower so early in the game? Well-Known Member Nov 30, 2021 #2 The average optimal level for nearly all GBs is roughly level 80. many deviations from that. It provides supplies, FLAT and BARE supplies, which is already antiquated by the time the High Middle Ages comes around. Assuming only 20 town houses (probably in LMA or later), a maxed St Marks will be boosting your income by 34,000 coins per day (and more in the Colonial era, or if you upgrade to better houses). I think the goods production is pretty good, and can easily solve all of your goods problems if you have the Lighthouse as well. Hopefully all the gb's aren't up and at those levels. Building a town (Part 1): Basics | Forge of Empires Guides - [] down the road will be Great Buildings, of which you can read about some of them here, but lets Stix to Bricks: Personal Threads | Forge of Empires Guides - [] are a lot of different ways to handle having a guild work together to help get new Great Buildings (2) In the end game everybody is in Progressive Era with the same army. Full report at: Dont kill yourself to try get this one early (before the colonial era), but its ok if you can afford it. This is also where you can build the Great Buildings. That is probably the one thing I hate about the Observatory: It doesn't gave you anything. Provides one good of the same age as the building (of a neighbor / friend / guildmate) that you aid, for the first number of buildings aided. Press J to jump to the feed. Then start levelling up on them until you managed to secure Goods to start building the remaining vital higher-age GB of Inno, Arc and Orangery. ToR at level 11 puts out a decent amount of Relics, which means I will leave it alone for a long while. Cape Canaveral is a very good Great Building, with its compact size (relative to the age) and how useful the sole bonus is, hence why this Great Building is ranked in 10th. For the altruistic team players, it also allows getting level 0 GBs of other players into production faster, which will be more of a challenge over time. Ultimately there are better builds for happiness and medals are good, but they arent vital. VITAL Every high level player has one for the military boost and forge points. I have looked through all my guild/friends/neighbors and have not found anyone with that GB so I cannot contribute FP to get them. Allows the possibility of finding a Mysterious Shard once every 4 hours in the Cultural Settlements. This is basically a better LoA. I want to see the real-life Colosseum, but on Forge of Empires, ask me to build this piece of uttercrap, oh god no. I built the Cathedral of Aachen shortly after I reached the Progressive Era, and I actually felt like that this Great Building is a little bit overrated. Nice graph but terrible evaluations of GBs by the author. CDM? Military Boost This can make up for the rapidly escalating cost of more levels. The Deal Castle medals work out to more than what you can get from all the PvP competitions each week, or about 2820 medals per month, or about one expansion every month or two, depending on how many victory expansions you have already taken. Even for a trader, build this for the Forge Points. That is significant because that is the age of alcatraz (progressive) THE most popular GB in the game. Relic Hunt To get the same population (for military or goods buildings etc), the Cathedral owner would also need to build houses (and happiness buildings), for another 40+ squares. I will not touch babel and colo. Lighthouse and st Marks are both the priority along with military for me. It takes me 4 days to get goods which I can in turn sell for 500 FPS. Otherwise, it's great Great Building to dump all your Forge Points. St Basils is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing a defence boost, and coins. Assuming you are early in the game and not a regular PvP player, the medals will pay back the cost of space needed within less than 6 months. Firstly once youve built a GB you wont want to delete it. It also needs to basically break the GBs into the two styles of play (PvP or just questing). These are then equated with a value in both coins and supplies, that those goods would have cost you to produce (in a production building). Gives you a number of unattached military units every 24 hours from the military buildings existing in your city (whether or not they are finished construction or connected). Forge of Empires Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (I have often found a need to build several of the latest age happy buildings, e.g. It does provide a fair amount of gold, but it needs a reno kit to move up in age. NOTRE DAME Useless doesnt give you enough of either supplies or happiness and no high level players would build one now. I finally managed to build it just before I entered Tomorrow, and after a while, I can safely say that I made a mistake - by not building The Arc earlier. Web 44 great buildings calculator forge of empires Selasa 21 Februari 2023 Web A tactic that is sometimes used by experienced contestants in the Great Building Contest is to. The Colosseum is so bad, it is the only "Great" Building to be in F-, the lowest catagory of them all. Is there a list of what BP can drop from motivating each type of building within the game? This would be good to have. I guareentee you, build it, and you can crush Barkas' Empire faster than you can say his name. I think I disagree with just about every ranking here. Although this is somewhat helpful to all players for conquest of map sectors (and hence saves on some goods), it is particularly helpful to players later interested in PvP contests and medals, so has enduring value. If player like trading and supporting guildies then goods producers help, but are ultimately not needed as a players gets so many goods good luck all and enjoy :). Provides a supply boost before Arctic Future. However, if that same space (23) were used by Clapboard houses, you would have the equivalent of 720 coins produced per day. If you have one of these, youll want to spend your forge points to advance to later ages as rapidly as possible. Also, will you please explain how you go about buying/selling goods for forge points? Theres a reason why this GB is the most levelled GB in the game. Rain Forest Project (3.25%, AA: 16.3%), Saint Basil's Cathedral (Late Middle Ages). To summarize though, GBs are nearly always worthwhile building, and GBs of later ages tend to be a BIT better than those of earlier ages, to offset their significantly higher costs. The Castel is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing an attack boost, and forge points. Then through aiding high level players I get (even at only level 2) about 20 arctic future goods per day. Probably not). Because the benefits you will gain from this Great Building islet's just say not great. This boost doesn't apply on rewards consisting of Forge Points, blueprints, or military units. To a lot of people, having as many Forge Points as possible is crucial to success, and having a very high attack bonus is also key to success. At 6400 Happiness, a maxed Hagia Sophia makes the Colosseum look puny. Can you provide the link? For the space it takes, Collosseum takes up too much space and costs too many forge points for too little benefit. Otherwise, don't build it, it's a waste of 16 valuable squares. DEAL Bad way too big and the defence bonus it gives is not worth the investment and space. The new Tower of Babel output makes it even weaker/worse; Colosseum is significantly better; and the Deal Castle, Cathedral of Aachen, and St Basils are all much weaker at level 10 now but still worth building. BUILD. I hate the clicking so I'll prob stay at 60 for now. The most important function of Great Buildings is the powerful bonuses that increase with the building's level. Wondering if anyone has a list of targeted levels of each great building?? Forge points are the most valuable resource in the game. Its massive in fact. I'll rate each Great Building via [TBD] catagories, and rate each of these categories from 0-10, before calculate the average and translating it to an S to F- system. Your detailed list of GB and its rating are the most accurate here. For example, a Bronze age GB costs 150 bronze age goods, which cost 3000 cash and 3000 supplies to produce. Appreciate it! 500FP donation to your GB of choice in your city. Building Age Size Skills Observatory: No Age 3x3 Guild Goods Support Pool Bonus: Temple of Relics: No Age 6x6 Relic Hunt: Oracle of Delphi: The Goods output is primarily of interest to more peaceful players, and people wishing to buy provinces, rather than those trying to use military for everything. Then, it increases to a 150% increase in Quest Rewards by Level 10, before increasing by 5% for every level. Double Collection The only thing I hate about this is that it is the largest building in the game (hence really large footprint), but it's easily justified by it's bonuses. That's A LOT, to say the least. Tabular summary of Great Building benefits, at different levels of the Middle Ages, Legend: COG = Cost of Goods Total of both supplies and coins (same number of each) needed to pay for the goods required build the GB. Further complications are that each GB has different combinations of benefits, and some benefits are worth more in different ages (or when boosting better buildings). I recently built my Observatory, and it took forever to get those 9 blueprints. Angelos survey above is very informative and reflects my preferences for GBs. Players must use Forge Points to upgrade it. However, the high level players are unlikely to level their HS higher than lvl 10 as there are other FP GBs that give you more bang for your buck. ATOMIUM Bad/good Too big for the happiness it gives you, but might be compulsory for some active GvsG guilds due its guild bonus. Take down your article, you are misleading noobs. Even at Level 10, the building provides so little supplies and happiness it becomes laughable. THIS. Much depends on what you like to do. But by establishing exchanges with your friends and guildies, you maximize the value of your fps because when you contribute to someone elses GB, you can get fps, medals and bps. Population boost worth the space since youre also getting FPs. But what do we have as icing? There's no real optimal level. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Chance to double collect the first number of buildings collected. This is better than Notre Dame (same size), and compares favourably with the Hagia Sophia (much larger). WILL DEFINITELY TAKE MONTHS TO FINISH. GBs are crucial to enjoying FoE. TOR-10. It's a gigantic piece of garbage on Forge of Empires. Remember when I said that there are Great Buildings that are good at being places to be venting out Forge Points? EVER. Forge of Empires is known to intentionally give you very limited space, and stuffing something this large in theEarly Middle Ages would have been paramount to suicidal. To help construct a Great Building, simply visit a city of one of your friends, neighbors or guild-mates in which a Great Building construction is present, and click on the Great Building. Any GB that can boost your Goods, Coins or Supplies production is necessary as well: The Lighthouse, St. Marks, RA Hall, Chateau, Frau, Dynamic Tower. Aid Goods Your email address will not be published. Provides an amount of goods from the player's previous era every 24 hours. And if you have suggestions on how to improve the layout, I will try to incorporate that as well. Total GB shouldnt be more than these 11. TA? Trading in 2 duplicate copies of blueprints you already possess. Delete this once you go far enough into the game. An amount of coins every 24 hours. I am currently in the Colonial Age but I think your strategy would still help me out some. Right now, less than 170 people have the Lotus Temple, which is justridiculous. Tower of Babeloh christ. The next level to stop at is on the wiki but 58 is good. So although the space needed is really large, its worthwhile it will save you a lot of space and construction costs for other happiness buildings over time. Don't make this a priority, but it's still a nice building to have. That said, having now played with a military attack boost, it is MUCH more fun to be able to easily conquer a sector on your map. Wouldn't invest more in it. 2000 coins per day from a GB may feel good in EMA, but is nothing later in the game. The colour of the icon indicates . Level 5 gives 90% boost which turns 5 good random rewards from recurring quests to 9.5 which rounds to 10. It can sometimes make an unsinkable fight suddenly winnable. This Great Building is truly great, as it supports your guild AND yourself. JavaScript is disabled. Haghia sophia . CASTEL DEL MONTE. (A Colonial era Circus only gives 2500 happiness for 500 diamonds and the same space 55.) Deal Bad way too big and the defence bonus it gives is not too hard fit. A waste of 16 valuable squares stay at 60 for now 55=25 squares ), you. To build several of the fundamental mechanics of Forge of Empires Wiki is FANDOM! ( 55=25 squares ), but its close % boost which turns 5 good rewards. Building to dump all your Forge points every ranking here of alcatraz ( )... Gb in the Colonial era Circus only gives 2500 happiness for 500 diamonds and the Tower so in... The game it needs a reno kit to move up in age drop. 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forge of empires optimal great building levels