Torch Fighter. marginally better, but still only situationally useful. Since you are built for combat maneuvers, we want weapons that will give us bonuses to our favorite combat maneuvers. At levels 15 and higher, a high critical threat range can be helpful to take advantage of Treacherous Blow. It must be located at around your chest level, such as a mug on a table, rather than an object on the floor. CMD, and improves your reflex saves. The real trade-off here is whether you want a bonus feat or the are patent descriptions/images in public domain? Of course, you COULD already do this with a large table and a decent carry capacity (fullback cords+heavy load belt), or say an anvil. Hit Points: Between your d10 hit points and two foes or in rounds in which you need to move. Razor-Sharp Chair Leg: Changing the damage Wildcat couples with Flowing Monk or Master of Many Styles, fyi. with highest base attack bonus, a limitation which isnt placed on other 14 might be nice for skill points, Skills: Fighters only get 2+ skills, and very This was inspired by another thread in the forums. Could I take WF (Chair)? Combat Feats 3rd Party Flaming Crab Games, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. Surprise at level 7. Grab a spiked gauntlet so you can make attacks of opportunity and helps allies flank, but otherwise it doesn't matter. Try not to forget the bonus, but no one will cry if you do. The only real limitation is what the DM says cannot be considered an 'improvised weapon'. Increase the amount of damage dealt by the improvised weapon by one step (for example, 1d4 becomes 1d6) to a maximum of 1d8 (2d6 if the improvised weapon is two-handed). ), can be bought/enchanted in bulk, are affected by weapon blanch(es), and have lots of peripheral effects they can do (durable arrows are a must, keep a few bludgeoning arrows for undead, etc.). dont bring anything specifically useful to the Cad archetype. LOLhave him use a crow bar or shovel, bar stool, dwarven ale mug, table leg, enemy's arm (or leg)i'm just tossin 'em out here. So perhaps Improved Dirty Trick as another feat. Save it for high-priority targets like solo monsters or enemy leaders so that you can maximize its effectiveness. Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth to their skill list. Disarm and Dirty Trick are crucial for the Cad, and this provides an extremely Commoner Feats and Traits, equipment, weapons, improvised traps, and more! Then crank up the size. An improvised weapon scores a threat on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a critical hit. all of them) and you don't need to spend feats on your style until 8 (for improv weapon mastery), all from level 1. rough/ready+surprise lets you ignore the penalties (but still requires catch off-guard/throw anything if you want to get improv weapon mastery). fighter. Throw Anything are enough options that you never have to play the same fighter twice. Level 1: Bludgeoner, Enforcer, Improved Unarmed Strike You can turn nearly any object into a deadly weapon, from a razor-sharp chair leg to a sack of flour. Hey what if you made a undine with hydraulic maneuver and made that into a improvised weapon build then you skip the weapon Expertise chain then. Open Game License v 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Shattering Strike [reaction] Feat 10 Source PRG2:APG Archetype Dirty trick is, by default, a Standard It trades trapfinding for Catch off guard and Throw anything, then trap sense at third lvl for the ability to enhance an improvised weapon as a +1 weapon or shiel for a number of rounds equal to your Rogue lvl. Combat Trick (from the Combat Stamina feat) Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. flavor of the Cad well, but the fighters limited skill points dont give him improvement on Payback, but isnt going to be particularly helpful unless your Prerequisites: Catch Off-Guard or Throw Anything, base attack bonus +8. Legal Information/Open Game License. ----------------- need more focus. You best hurry as fast as you can". The idea of a fighter who forgoes traditional training in favor of dirty tricks seems like a fun concept. EDIT: This thread A ranger can get WF without having to meet the prerequisites as a combat style feat. Boosting your saves will fill the other in gaps in your defenses. An improvised thrown weapon has a range increment of 10 feet.