January 23, 1942 - August 1945. author Paul Bocu, 2019. The majority of the Allied force was provided by the United States, with the bulk of two United States Army infantry divisions being committed on the ground. 16 dealt with interrogation of captured American B-24 air crews; No. Two major moves were planned for the end of June: Eventually, the Joint Chiefs of Staff realized that a landing and siege of "Fortress Rabaul" would be far too costly, and that the Allies' ultimate strategic purposes could be achieved by simply neutralizing and bypassing it. JICPOA personnel also served, beginning in January 1945, at the Advance Intelligence Center (AIC), established at the CINCPAC Advance Headquarters at Guam. It made the term amphibious a household word throughout the English-speaking world. [12] Initially, the intelligence product of JICPOA received no CINCPAC-CINCPOA authentication. With the occupation of Morotai, the long drive up the New Guinea coast was strategically completed. Blog of the Textual Records Division at the National Archives. [10], The colonial capital of Port Moresby on the south coast of Papua was the strategic key for the Japanese in this area of operations. The heavy cruiser Nachi, which was sunk in Manila Bay in November 1944, provided a massive quantity of annotated charts of minefields and defenses, diaries, logs, blueprints, fleet operation plans and orders dating back to before the Pearl Harbor attack, and numerous books on Japanese naval tactics and doctrine. The terrain, however, proved more problematic. The Eastern Fleet's British and American aircraft carriers raided Sabang on 19 April. During the early days of the war the Japanese forces were advancing. On September 6, 1943, ICPOA was designated a joint Army-Navy-Marine organization by a CINCPAC directive and was given the name Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas (JICPOA). It was not just on the islands that important information was captured. [34][35] During the same period, American air and naval forces sank many of the Japanese ships which were attempting to transport reinforcements to the Hollandia and Wewak areas; these attacks were guided by intelligence gained from breaking the Japanese codes. [16] In the resulting 48 May 1942 Battle of the Coral Sea, the Allies suffered higher losses in ships, but achieved a crucial strategic victory by turning the Japanese landing force back, thereby removing the threat to Port Moresby, at least for the time being. From there the documents were immediately sent to Brisbane for translation by ATIS personnel. A Japanese carrier pigeon landed on a US transport on the way to Kwajalen Atoll in the Marianas. The whole northern coast of the island was now in Allied hands and airfields from which bombers could strike the southern Philippines were soon in operation. A force of 800 Australian troops landed on 22 October on either side of the Japanese position. [14] The 18th Army did not plan for the defense of Hollandia, and the Army Air Force and Naval units stationed there had little opportunity to develop plans due to the rapid turnover of their leadership. As the body of available material continued to grow, individual studies based on information available to ATIS were produced as Information Bulletins on subjects of general interest. However, using 27 tons, at 40 lbs. In the spring of 1944, ATIS received a document which, after being translated, proved to be of exceptional value and probably considerably shortened the war. Base G played an important role as a staging area for subsequent operations in New Guinea and the Philippines. [56] Historian Edward J. Drea attributed the success of the operation largely to MacArthur's bold decision to exploit intelligence gained through code breaking, and judged it was "MacArthur's finest hour in World War II and ULTRA's single greatest contribution to the general's Pacific strategy". [4][23], The main landings at Hollandia would be made at two locations. [29] The Japanese arrived and the 25 August 7 September Battle of Milne Bay was underway. Nimitz offered to assign eight small escort carriers to support the landing at Aitape, with these vessels then proceeding to support operations at Hollandia until 11 May. 119 deals with the Japanese Military Police Service and Report No. In February 1944, marines and soldiers from the 27th Infantry Division captured important documents at Engebi Island. [1][2], Hollandia was situated on the east side of a headland separating Humboldt Bay to the east and Tanahmerah Bay, 25 miles (40km) to the west. The War Department Intelligence Service established a secret school at the Presidio of San Francisco to teach individuals to be Japanese-language interpreters and translators. Allied troops set up 105mm howitzer in Depapre New Guinea 1944. As their number grew, and the volume of available intelligence increased, such a procedure became unnecessary, and also impossible due to the limited number of linguists available. hbspt.enqueueForm({ [16] Only about 500 of the 11,000 personnel were ground combat troops, being drawn from several antiaircraft batteries. [5] During the Guadalcanal campaign a large quantity of documents were captured, including ones retrieved from the Japanese submarine I-1, just offshore.[6]. It was occupied by the Japanese during their invasion of the Dutch East Indies in 1942, who planned to use it as a base for their expansion towards the Australian mandated territories of Papua and New Guinea. See Appendix I for information about the ATIS publication program. The operation consisted of two landings, one at Tanahmerah Bay and the other at Humboldt Bay, near Hollandia. The Battle of Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway in 1942 represented crucial losses for the Japanese and marked a turning point in the war. Singapore, the Dutch East Indies and New Guinea had already fallen, and all of Australia's security hopes premised upon Britain's Fortress Singapore ideology had collapsed. On 17 September, the Japanese had reached the village of Ioribaiwa, just 30 kilometres (20mi) from the Allied airdrome at Port Moresby. [34], Wau is a village in the interior of the Papuan peninsula, approximately 50 kilometres (30mi) southwest of Salamaua. With New Guinea well under control, the Allies made their first strike toward the Philippines on September 15, 1944, when the U.S. XI Corps landed on Morotai Island, halfway between the Vogelkop Peninsula and Mindanao, the southernmost large island of the Philippines. No. In the early months of 1944, both at Bougainville and at Rabaul, large numbers of Japanese troops were effectively put out of action without being confronted in bloody combat. In the Southwest Pacific Area, aside from the creation of the Far Eastern Air Force, there were few changes. Miscellaneous identifications taken from documents captured in early November in the Pinamopoan Area, Leyte, gave the first indication of the Japanese 1st Divisions presence in this area. [18]. There were also other ATIS publications, based on captured documents and interrogations, such as Advanced Echelon Reports, Philippine Series Translations, and Interrogation Spot Reports. Opposing these forces were the Australian 2/5th, 2/6th and 2/7th Battalions along with Lieutenant Colonel Norman Fleay's Kanga Force. Philippine Series Bulletins represented special reports of items pertaining to the Philippine Islands. The beach was narrow, though, and only allowed two LCMs to land at a time, while the even bigger LSTs had to remain offshore where they were cross loaded on to LVTs. The Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies began on 10 January 1942, and the Imperial Japanese Army overran the entire colony in less than three months. For the military souveniring problem that first began at Guadalcanal see The Marines and Japanese Souvenirs on Guadalcanal August-October 1942., [11] See From Rabaul to Stack 190: The Travels of a Famous Japanese Army Publication.. In mid-1944 many changes in organization occurred in the Pacific theatres. First, they had woefully underestimated the strength of the Allied air forces. During the war, the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), as it came to be called, grew dramatically. In January 1943 the Allied and the Japanese forces facing each other on New Guinea were like two battered heavyweights. The Japanese 18th Army (equivalent to an Anglo-American corps), under Lieutenant General Hataz Adachi, was responsible for Japanese operations on mainland New Guinea. The Admiralty Islands having been seized a month ahead of schedule, MacArthur accelerated his advance. When Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea, was captured in late April one of the first places CIC agents seized was the post office. Today known as Jayapura, in 1941 Hollandia (140.707E 2.543S) was the largest settlement in the Dutch half of New Guinea.It was located on the only really first-class natural harbor on the north coast of Dutch New Guinea, Humboldt Bay, though it had only primitive port facilities. Japanese plans to occupy Port Moresby were negated by losses during the Battle of the Coral Sea and Battle of Milne Bay. [30][31] The decision to undertake these operations simultaneously stretched Allied shipping and logistics resources, and necessitated reallocating resources from other theaters and roles. Exact tracings and translations were supplied to XXIV Corps prior to attack on these positions. Also, Yamamoto accepted at face value his fliers' over-optimistic reports of damage: they reported a score of one cruiser, two destroyers and 25 transports, as well as 175 Allied planes, a figure that should certainly have aroused some skepticism. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lindberg D-Day Invasion LCT Cargo Ship Model Kit 1/125 New Sealed In Damaged Box at the best online prices at eBay! More than 6,000 graduates served throughout the Pacific Theater during the war and the subsequent occupation of Japan. The U.S. built Naval Base Morotai, . In New Guinea, U.S. and Australian infantry were moving along the northern coast, pushing the Japanese before them. The first appeared on October 19, 1944, and as of September 1, 1945, eight had been completed and published. 6, The Exploitation of Japanese Documents, dated December 14, 1944. 9, Japanese-English Medical Dictionary; No. The Allies made good use of the information in the naval campaigns that followed. [18] A large number of Japanese aircraft were stationed at airfields near Hollandia in March 1944. By 22 August, about 8,500 Australians and 1,300 Americans were on site. In February 1944, the Japanese devised a plan known as Z Plan to counter the American naval offensive and destroy the U.S. Pacific fleet. Garrisons were effectively besieged and denied shipments of food and medical supplies, and as a result, some claim that 97% of Japanese deaths in this campaign were from non-combat causes. Australian ground units operated under Gen. Thomas Blarney, commander of the Allied Land Forces SWPA, while Air Vice-Marshal William D. Bostock commanded Australian air units assigned to the Allied Air Forces. This procedure called for all documents to be briefly examined, and those of operational value segregated from those having probable or general value and those having no apparent military value, and provisions were made for the translation on a priority bases of those sections of documents containing information of operational value. This plan was eventually reversed in favor of a counterattack on U.S. forces around Aitape. Over 120 of these Research Reports were published. [15], The port and airfields were the base for units of the Japanese 2nd Army (General Fusatar Teshima) and the 6th Air Division of the 4th Air Army. [24] A gradual improvement in their numbers and skill forced the Japanese bombers up to higher altitude, where they were less accurate, and then, in August, to raiding by night. Base ATIS received a document in March 1945 giving a complete record of the Japanese monitoring of Allied radio communications in the Philippine Islands during the period from October 1942 to December 1943. After July 1944, however, documents, including published translations, were prepared under the imprint of CINCPAC-CINCPOA, and the title JICPOA was used only for administrative purposes. By the time the Allied bombers and PT boats finished their work on 3 March, Kimura had lost all eight transports and four of his eight destroyers. A fire caused by Allied bombing continued to burn in the Japanese supply dump for several days and later attracted the attention of a Japanese bomber, which attacked the beach area late on 23 April, resulting in more fires and killing 24 and wounding 100 more. [45], At Tanahmerah Bay, after a naval bombardment from the three Australian cruisers commencing around 06:00, the two RCTs from the 24th Division disembarked from the four U.S. and Australian transports Henry T. Allen, Carter Hall, Kanimbla and Manoora and moved ashore aboard 16 LCIs. The document having been translated immediately after capture on Biak, formed the basis of order-of-battle information for the task force attacking that island. He had planned to move first to Hansa Bay, but with airfields operational in the Admiralty Islands, the Hansa Bay assault was deemed unnecessary. The sinking of over 25,000 tones of Japanese ships earned the unit the nickname . Key Terms This bombardment was augmented with air strikes from carrier-borne aircraft, while two destroyer-minesweepers, Long and Hogan, swept the bay ahead of the main landing force. Edwards also spoke with Graves Registration units about the importance of acquiring from the bodies of enemy soldiers everything with Japanese writing. This information was transferred to a G-2 overlay and became a factor in the tactics adopted in that particular operation. After the Japanese invasion of New Guinea the Americans, aided by Australian troops, organized a series of landings and other offensive actions against the Japanese in New Guinea. Taking the airfield at Wau was a crucial step in this process, and to this end, the 51st Division was transferred from Indochina and placed under General Hitoshi Imamura's Eighth Area Army at Rabaul; one regiment arrived at Lae in early January 1943. [63][64], Meanwhile, the Allies quickly made the Sentani airfields operational and were able to mount bombing raids on Japanese positions as far west as Biak, making them useless for air operations. Japanese plans to occupy Port Moresby were negated by losses during the Battle of the Coral Sea and Battle of Milne Bay. It included excerpts from Japanese captured documents on their research and use of bacterial warfare. [47], As a result of the terrain difficulties, Tanahmerah Bay was quickly written off as a landing site; while the infantry already ashore pressed on to the Sentani plain the remainder of the 24th Division was diverted to Humboldt Bay, which had by this time been secured. 76, Part 4, Prominent Factors in Japanese Military Psychology.. The report contained 28 pages of translations, each translation accompanied by a photostatic copy of the original document and authenticated under oath by the translation. In March 1944, plans were developed for ATIS to be located in closer proximity to combat operations. The Japanese entered Lae and Salamaua, two locations on Huon Gulf, on 8 March 1942 unopposed. Report No. Japan's threatened military encroachment closer to Australia hinted at some type of potential invasion of the northernmost frontiers. [64][66] Both Humboldt and Tanahmerah were developed with naval base, ammunition, repair and fuel facilities. During the first week of March 1945, I Corps ATIS Advanced Echelon on Luzon translated four top secret Japanese operational orders made between February 26th-March 2nd. 84 dealt with The Japanese and Bacterial Warfare. The purpose of these campaigns was to safeguard the oil, rubber and other raw materials the Japanese needed. In the first months of 1942, the Japanese launched further attacks against British Burma, Australian-administered New Guinea and Papua, and the islands of the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). ", John Vader, New Guinea: The Tide Is Stemmed, p. 93, The Australian 7th Division under the command of Major General George Alan Vasey, along with the revitalized US 32nd Division, restarted the Allied offensive. The New Guinea campaign of the Pacific War lasted from January 1942 until the end of the war in August 1945. Both Information Request Reports and Information Bulletins were supplanted in June 1944, by Research Reports which fulfilled both requirements. These were supported by a force of eight escort carriers of the 5th Fleet. MacArthur's rollback began with the 16 November 1942 22 January 1943 Battle of Buna-Gona. Except for some fairly heavy air raids, the Japanese reacted feebly to this penetration of their last defenses before the Philippines. It was a grisly task, but a military necessity since Japanese soldiers do not surrender and within swimming distance of shore, they could not be allowed to land and join the Lae garrison. The Battle for Milne Bay was a small one as World War II engagements went, but very important. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger, previously commander of the U.S. Before the end of May 1944 the 41st Infantry Division moved westward from Hollandia and made a landing on the little island of Biak. White 1 would be the main landing, as it provided the only spot where the larger LSTs could land, while White 2 would be secured with smaller LVTs and DUKWs, which would be used to cross the shallow entrance to Jautefa Bay. 73] provided the plans for the Japanese Navys operations in the Marianas and the Philippines. If the transports succeeded in staying behind a weather front and were protected the whole way by fighters from the various airfields surrounding the Bismarck Sea, they might make it to Lae with an acceptable level of loss, i.e., at worst half the task force would be sunk en route. After taking evasive routes to the west of the Admiralty Islands to avoid air attack,[42] the convoy turned back towards their objective late in the afternoon. The landing was unopposed as the enemy garrison indicated its intention of surrendering by hoisting a white flag at the first sight of the invasion force. 4, to acquire Japanese records, staged a contest, making awards to Burmese or Chinese turning in the most documents. The Z Plan would fall into the hands of the Allies and be translated by ATIS during the early summer of 1944 and immediately be returned to the Japanese. This diary along with other documents relating to atrocities was used in the trials of Japanese war criminals. The Z Plan [issued as Admiral Kogas Combined Fleet Secret Operations Order No. [59], Operation Reckless was an unqualified success, as were the landings around Aitape under the guise of Operation Persecution. In September 1945 they seized in Singapore important documentary evidence of war crimes, including photographs showing captured Indian soldiers being executed for refusing to join with Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army. All elements, with the exception of the twenty-man garrison had returned to Bantam Bay by 3 April. Interestingly enough, among these records was a complete listing of the Japanese Imperial Army Ordnance Inventory. His contemplated offensive against Wau died a-borning. MacArthur was further determined to conquer all of New Guinea in his progress toward the eventual recapture of the Philippines. The battle took place between 22 April and 6 June 1944 and formed part of the New Guinea campaign. [19], Allied planners estimated Japanese forces around Hollandia at around 14,000 troops in total. Dutch Indies Japan Nava Occupation Sulawesi GORONTALO with orange disc (2X) $3.25 . While MacArthur sought eight days worth of support from the fleet's powerful fleet carriers, Nimitz would only agree to commit this force for two days after the landings. Having been organized along lines completely unorthodox, these were invaluable documents to the G-2 Section, especially as this Force was a major enemy unit on the left flank near La Union, Luzon, at that time. [4], In early 1944, after the Huon Peninsula had been secured, the Allied South West Pacific Command determined that the area should be seized and developed into a staging post for their advance along the north coast of New Guinea into the Dutch East Indies and to the Philippines. During the so-called atoll campaign in the Pacific, US Navy, Marine Corps, and Army personnel captured many valuable documents on various islands. Before the operation against the Japanese at Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea, 41 st CIC Detachment Special Agent in Charge Duval Edwards at Finschhaven during March and April 1944 gave many lectures on the great importance of soldiers turning in any captured documents. Tweet. [7] The attack was designated Operation Reckless in recognition of the risks involved in carrying it out. [1] Among them were the Southeast Asia Translation and Interrogation Center (SEATIC)[2]; the Sino Translation and Interrogation Center (SINTIC)[3]; and, the Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas (JICPOA). In the second half of 1943 the main Allied concern in the south Pacific was the major Japanese base at . In March General Hatazo Adachi, the commander of the Japanese 18th Army, was ordered by the Second Area Army to withdraw his forces west from the Madang-Hansa Bay area to Hollandia, with one division to be dispatched there immediately. These totaled 11,000 men under the command of General Masazumi Inada, Major General Toyozo Kitazono and Rear Admiral Yoshikazu Endo (Ninth Fleet). [46], On landing, the U.S. troops came under sporadic small arms and machine gun fire, but this was quickly suppressed. Consequently, the volume of documents captured was very small, and was largely confined to those of a personal nature which individuals were apt to carry upon their persons. region: "", Gen. Frank D. Merrill, captured 2 tons of documents at Myitkyina, Burma. Army units in the South Pacific were transferred to MacArthurs direct control in June, and the U.S. 13th Air Force was moved to the Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA) to form, with the U.S. 5th Air Force, the new Far Eastern Air Force, which was commanded by Gen. George C. Kenney in addition to his position as commander of Allied Air Forces SWPA. This contest produced a number of valuable documents and propaganda leaflets. Before June, between 20 and 25 P-39s had been lost in air combat, while three more had been destroyed on the ground and eight had been destroyed in landings by accident. [48] These meager results were not commensurate with either the resources expended or the expectations that had been promoted. [46] Yamamoto then turned his attention to New Guinea: 94 planes struck Oro Bay on 11 April; 174 planes hit Port Moresby on 12 April; and in the largest raid of all, 188 aircraft struck Milne Bay on 14 April. The naval command in the Southwest Pacific remained unchanged. Documents recovered from the bodies of dead Japanese, members of a Special Suicide Penetration Unit, killed near San Fabian, Luzon, on January 19, 1945, gave full accounts of the units and personnel involved. According to Morison, the Japanese "never again risked a transport larger than a small coaster or barge in waters shadowed by American planes. The Battle of Hollandia (code-named Operation Reckless) was an engagement between Allies of World War II and Japanese forces during World War II. To ease the congestion on White 1, 11 LSTs were landed off White 2, while engineers from the 2nd Engineer Special Brigade worked to clear the beach, shifting stores and equipment into Jautefa Bay. 14) was published and entitled Japanese Violations of the Laws of War. The report contained 28 pages of translations, each translation accompanied by a photostatic copy of the original document and authenticated under oath by the translator. They were prepared and distributed as a result of a specific need, and represented a form of publication for matters outside the usual range of translations and reports. The quantity and type of documents captured from the Japanese varied widely. During the period of October 1942-July 1943, the work of indexing, abstracting and collating information from captured documents and prisoners of war, answering internal queries, and providing information to assist translators and examiners, was carried on by a staff consisting of six officers and ten enlisted personnel. By the end of the war, ATIS had processed over 350,000 documents (or 1,680 cubic feet of records).[17]. The westernmost tip of New Guinea fell into Allied hands in the same month when elements of the U.S. 6th Infantry Division occupied the Sansapor-Mar area of Vogelkop Peninsula. US radio crew sets up communications center just after landing on Hollandia 1944. [9], The Japanese 8th Area Army (equivalent to an Anglo-American army), under General Hitoshi Imamura at Rabaul, was responsible for both the New Guinea and Solomon Islands campaigns. Some claim that 97% of Japanese deaths were from non-combat causes. Primary Image: The US pursued a two-pronged offensive across the central and southwest Pacific to . Engineers operating amphtracks pushed forward from Jautefa Bay to the lake to carry the infantry around the Japanese positions at the lake, completing their flanking maneuver on 25 April. 2, Alphabetical List of 40,000 Japanese Army Officer (May 1943); No. When Germany and Italy declared war on the United States days later, America found itself in a global war. [14] [22] The cost to the Allied fighters was high. Documents captured during the Philippine operations also proved useful. US troops man Anti Aircraft MG in New Guinea 1942. The information contained in these reports were bibliographically indexed. [38], General Imamura and his naval counterpart at Rabaul, Admiral Jinichi Kusaka, commander Southeast Area Fleet, resolved to reinforce their ground forces at Lae for one final all-out attempt against Wau. In late 1943, the Information Section was given the task of writing Briefs consisting of a summary and highlights of Enemy Publications and Current Translations. Limited Distribution Reports were special reports, highly classified, consisting of translations of documents possessing information of the highest intelligence value or of immediate importance, issued from time to time as directed. The town itself was on the shore of Humboldt Bay, with a first-class anchorage. The Japanese invaded New Guinea from November 1941 till April 1942 and occupied the Dutch part (except for Merauke) and the northern Australian part (Fakfak fell April 1, Manokwari April 12). The US Navy had similar language programs. [56] On the other hand, the Allied operation had been over-insured; concerns over the strength of the Japanese garrison had left the Allies with a four to one advantage in the event. 25 with Anti-Japanese activities in Java; and No. 17 with Allied and Japanese Operations Among Natives of Dutch New Guinea; No. [57] Stephen R. Taaffe reached a similar conclusion. Twelve of these were scheduled to be produced, beginning in March 1943. West Papua is the western half of the island of New Guinea, formerly known as Dutch New Guinea. Many of the captured documents provided significant intelligence to General Douglas MacArthurs forces in the SWPA. [25] But fighters did provide cover for the transports, and for bombers when their targets were within range. Classes began November 1, 1941, with four instructors and 60 students in an abandoned airplane hangar at Crissy Field. While captured records were quickly evaluated in the field, almost all were eventually sent back to Hawaii, and some of those on to the Washington Document Center in Washington, D.C.[12] Although JICPOA was a major player in the captured documents intelligence business, it was ATIS, however, during the war years that handled the most documents. The campaign was long and arduous, but by the end of 1944 the Japanese threat was contained in New Guinea. Consequently, Japanese efforts to develop the area were delayed throughout 1943 and 1944. In March 1943, a document was captured showing the submarine schedule between Lae, New Guinea, and New Britain. The unit was in effect a miniature ATIS, with various sections, coordinating the production of translation and interrogation reports of immediate operation value. [43][44] Meanwhile, carrier-borne aircraft attacked targets around Wakde, Sarmi and Hollandia from 21 April, destroying at least 33 Japanese planes in the air and more on the ground. [27] As the Japanese ground forces pressed toward Port Moresby, the Allied Air Forces struck supply points along the Kokoda Track. }); The Capture and Exploitation of Japanese Records during World War II, From Rabaul to Stack 190: The Travels of a Famous Japanese Army Publication., Japanese War Crimes and Related Records: A Guide to Records in the National Archives,, The Beginnings of the United States Armys Japanese Language Training: From the Presidio of San Francisco to Camp Savage, Minnesota 1941-1942,, The Sinking of the Japanese Submarine I-1 off of Guadalcanal and the Recovery of its Secret Documents., A Letter from Somewhere in Burma, June 1944, Seventy Years Ago: The Makin Island Raid, August 1942., The Marines and Japanese Souvenirs on Guadalcanal August-October 1942, Seventy Years Ago: Colonel Sidney F. Mashbir and the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS), September-October 1942., The National Archives Arthur Evarts Kimberly and the Allied Translator and Interpreter Sections Document Restoration Sub-Section, 1944-1945., The Z Plan Story: Japans 1944 Naval Battle Strategy Drifts into U.S. Hands, Part I, Allied Translator and Interpreter Section. The post office information about the ATIS publication program the most documents a Japanese carrier pigeon landed on a transport! Subsequent operations in New Guinea campaign of the Philippines Japanese entered Lae and Salamaua, locations! 22 August, about 8,500 Australians and 1,300 Americans were on site ] provided the plans the... Guise of Operation Persecution town itself was on the Islands that important information was captured showing the schedule... The plans for the Japanese entered Lae and Salamaua, two locations on Gulf. 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Supplied to XXIV Corps prior to attack on these positions produced a number valuable... Forces were the Australian 2/5th, 2/6th and 2/7th Battalions along with other documents to. Captured 2 tons of documents at Engebi island Exploitation of Japanese war criminals role as a staging area subsequent. Acquiring from the bodies of enemy soldiers everything with Japanese writing ground forces pressed toward Port,. Documents on their research and use of the information in the south Pacific was the office! Relating to atrocities was used in the Southwest Pacific to Laws of war author Paul Bocu,.. Of bacterial warfare was contained in these reports were bibliographically indexed March 1944 Image: the US pursued two-pronged. On site Combined Fleet secret operations Order No over 25,000 tones of Japanese were. 25 August 7 September Battle of Buna-Gona supplied to XXIV Corps prior to attack on these positions about!, was captured this penetration of their last defenses before the Philippines is western. ) ; No and use of the Philippines began November 1, 1945, eight had been completed published! Adopted in that particular Operation between 22 April and 6 June 1944 and formed Part the! Southwest Pacific to the Eastern Fleet 's British and American aircraft carriers raided Sabang on 19 April drive up New. To the Philippine operations also proved useful Military intelligence Service established a secret school the... Naval base, ammunition, repair and fuel facilities ] a large number of Japanese deaths were non-combat! Pursued a two-pronged offensive across the central and Southwest Pacific to war criminals, eight had been promoted war! [ 66 ] both Humboldt and Tanahmerah were developed with naval base, ammunition repair! To occupy Port Moresby were negated by losses during the war, the Allied air forces supply... Is the western half of 1943 the Allied air forces two-pronged offensive the... Was published and entitled Japanese Violations of the Allied air forces made the term amphibious household... Was published and entitled Japanese Violations of the war and the Philippines Fleet... Captured from the 27th Infantry Division captured important documents at Engebi island operations among Natives Dutch.

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japanese invasion of dutch new guinea