This tragedy is so very shocking. He has steadfastly said his wife was "not a drunk driver,", Just minutes before the deadly crash, Hance's 9-year-old daughter, Emma, had called her father to say, "Something's wrong with Aunt Diane.". They argued that any person aware of Ms. Schulers drinking should be held liable in some respects. He defended his late wife and called for further investigation into other possible causes for the erratic driving. In early August investigators said Schuler had at least 10 drinks and had large quantities of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in her system before driving the wrong-way down the Taconic State Parkway. ", Archive video, extended interviews on the Taconic tragedy, Its something I cant forgive - Family of victims mourn Taconic Tragedy, "It was just overwhelming" - State trooper recounts Taconic Tragedy. Tragic maybe being that intoxicated she went to a dark place that she had been trying to run from that whole time. If Diane had that much alcohol in her system, I believe she would not even be walking, alcoholic or not. As you can draw from the preceding story of the Diane Schuler Accident, a reconstruction of events is essential to determine the cause of the tragedy. Hey I have just started to watch the documentary on TV. They included 43-year-old Guy Bastardi, his 81-year-old father Michael Bastard and a family friend, 72-year-old Daniel Longo. Never talking about her pain is not good! A toxicology report after the crash revealed Mrs Schuler had drunk the equivalent of ten shots of vodka and was high on cannabis before she barrelled in the wrong direction down the highway at speeds of up to 70mph for more than two miles. Dianes stomach contained 180ml of grey fluid with no pills or fragments in it at the time of her autopsy. She did not want help to take her to emergency room out of pride. I would of like to see what her blood glucose was at the time of the accident to see if that was high. An empty vodka bottle was found, smashed, in the mini-van wreckage. Topics you care about, straight to your inbox. Police believe it was approximately two hours after that phone call to her brother when Schuler turned down the exit ramp driving the wrong-way. The couple are battling to stay together. 2015). Diane Schuler's husband, Daniel Schuler, has repeatedly defended his wife, saying she was not a drinker and more likely suffered from some kind of medical condition that caused the crash. Schuler, 36, was driving her brother's Ford minivan home to West Babylon, L.I., after a camping trip in upstate Sullivan County when she somehow entered the Taconic State Parkway on the wrong. Schuler, one of her children and three of her young nieces in the minivan were killed, as were three people in the northbound car she hit. Whatever happened must have taken place suddenly. Autopsy records prove it. But with Auto Brewery Syndrome most of it would probably be found in the gut not the stomach. Diane was very, very angry. Blood-Ethanol-.19g/100mL. Despite what the toxicology report indicated, Daniel Schuler insisted on Larry King Live earlier this month that his wife had not been drinking. Did Diane Schuler Have Auto BrewerySyndrome? At the same time, her husband left in a gray pickup with their family dog. On July 26, 2009, 36-year-old Diane Schuler drove the wrong way down the Taconic State Parkway in New York. This typical yet outgoing woman married Daniel Schuler, an avid outdoorsman. We just hope is was some disease or syndrome. Jackie Hance alleges that her girls, Emma, 8; Alyson, 7; and Katie, 5, knew they were going to die and "suffered . The 2009 Taconic State Parkway crash was a traffic collision that occurred shortly after 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 26, 2009, on the Taconic State Parkway in the town of Mount Pleasant, near the village of Briarcliff Manor, New York, United States. "Oh, I say that a drunk driver did not do this to your family. Eight were killed in all: Guy Bastardi, 43, his father Michael Bastardi, 81, and a family friend, Daniel Longo, 72, as well as the Hance girls, Schuler and her 2-year-old daughter Erin. We would have to assume that this was her first incidence of Auto Brewery Syndrome or that shed never experienced it this acutely before. "The truth, the truth will come out," Schuler responded. Perhaps at something Danny said or that she learned just prior to leaving the campground. She left the campground on that day with all five children in the Ford Windstar owned by her brother. I am a recovering alcoholic and alcoholics need more alcohol as they have a higher tolerance. But my thought on your comment as to who are kind and nice wouldnt you pull over. We all want to believe no one could possibly be this much of a monster. She left the campground on that day with all five children in the Ford Windstar owned by her brother. "Absolutely not.". Daniel Schuler announced with his lawyer on CNN's "Larry King Live" that he wants his wife's body exhumed and more tests be done in order to clear her name. Lets have a quick reconstruction of what had transpired before and during the Diane Schuler accident and figure out its implications to our current justice system. Every day she would wake up and think it was the day of the crash again, and expect the girls to be on their way home. The July 26 crash killed her 2-year-old daughter, three young nieces . But two years ago, all three of Jackie Hance's daughters died when their aunt, drunk and high on cannabis, slammed straight into an SUV as she sped the wrong way down the Taconic Parkway in New York. Mrs Hance said she is heartbroken that HBO has chosen to use those final words as the title for its documentary on the crash, due to be aired next Monday. Diane purchased food at 10:30am. Barbara, the Schuler's lawyer, said Diane Schuler was a diabetic, suggesting that may have contributed to her disoriented condition on the morning of July 26. Don't call it an . This behavior would be consistent with someone who also drank alcohol prior to, or during, the car trip. The TACONIC TRAGEDY of 2009 | DIANE SCHULER CASE Pretty Uncensored 1.03K subscribers 24K views 4 years ago This video is about the Diane Schuler Case which lead to the Taconic Tragedy on July. I dont believe it either. In the minivan were her two children, Erin, age 2, and Brian, age 5, along with Schuler's nieces, Emma, Alyson, and Katie Hance, ages 8, 7 and 5. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. How crazy-unfortunate would it be if the first time Diane experienced an onset of sudden and severe Auto Brewery Syndrome is also during a brief drive home with a mini-van loaded with children (and an open vodka bottle and THC in her system)? Some members of the Bastardi family suggested that. But now Mrs Hance has something else to focus on - a new baby. In practice, accident reconstructionists work in reverse, documenting and studying evidence at the scene to conclude the cause and how the accident unfolded. We provide webinars on many topics and create custom topics too. I smoke, just be responsible adults. Toxicology reports later showed Diane Schuler had the equivalent of 10 vodka drinks in her system, with 6 more grams of alcohol in her stomach that had yet to be metabolized. If the bottle was tucked way in the car someplace it would of hurled forward until it hits anything to stop it like the back of a seat and then smash. On July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler, 36, was driving the wrong way down the Taconic State Parkway in New York when her minivan slammed into an SUV, killing Diane, her young daughter, three nieces, and three passengers in the other vehicle. They hold fundraising events, the proceeds of which go towards projects to help girls build their self-esteem. On the day of the crash, some witnesses saw a minivan of Ms. Schuler travelling east on Route 17 and south on the New York State Thruway. on your DIY big screen, that is. The accident claimed the lives of four children, including her daughter and three nieces. Leading up to the crash, it appeared as though Schuler was behaving normally. Prosecutors have said they will not file charges in relation to the crash. She had 10 digested shots and 10 undigested shots. Why not place the alcohol in the trunk, out of reach of the driver and the children? I just watched the documentary and ABS was not even mentioned which surprised me. If she did have some kind of stroke or something other going on she is probably not going to be thinking rationally like that. It feels comforting to believe that if we could just identify the one monster, we can conquer it. She was going in and out of traffic. This was the last call as twenty-five minutes later, the fatal crash took her own life and seven others, including three people in the Chevy TrailBlazer. There are 375 ml in a liquor store pint which equals 12.6803 oz. But police authorities were unsure when or where the vodka was bought, and they sought Mr. Schuler to investigate the matter, who later denied the accusations. After watching, I poked around Reddit and was shocked to see that the general consensus seems to be that she over-medicated and went into an incoherent state leading to the crash. During the interview Schuler was asked what he would say to the relatives of the people in the other car. Typical food digestion takes 6-8 hours for the food to be moved from the stomach to the small intestine. Others in her life do not report seeing her drink alcohol to excess. View all posts by The Unsolved UK Podcast. Toxicology reports later revealed that Diane Schuler, 36, had a blood alcohol level of .19 -- the equivalent of 10 shots of vodka -- and a high level of THC from smoking marijuana. This sudden production of ethanol causes a spike in the affected persons blood alcohol content (BAC) and symptoms mirror those of someone highly-intoxicated: dizziness, erratic behavior, slurred speech, irritable bowel syndrome, belching, chronic fatigue, dry mouth, disorientation, and hangovers. 'How could this person I trusted completely have done something so unthinkable that I couldn't - and still can't - wrap my head around it.'. According to toxicology reports. I do not believe Diane had ABS. But what triggered such a tragedy, and what can we learn from it? This condition would account Diane's apparent lack of prior alcoholic behaviors. They met with the Westchester County district attorney and were told that there was an indication of criminality surrounding the collision. Then the phone went dead. I also feel she drank a large amount of her orange juice and filled the container back up with her vodka again either at McDonalds in bathroom or in car. A private investigator hired by Dianes widower said he could find no relative who had ever observed Diane drinking heavily or being intoxicated. Why not say your fine etc. That is a fact. Neither Bastardi nor his lawyer Irving Anolik explicity said how Daniel Schuler had a role in the catastrophic accident, but suggested he was hiding drug use in the family. The Unsolved UK Podcast Diane Schuler/Taconic Parkway, Unsolved 13th Apr 2019 1 Minute The following photos are of the collision site only, and do not feature autopsy and cadaver photos. This condition would account Dianes apparent lack of prior alcoholic behaviors. No mother wants to get pulled over with a van full of children and an open container if shes not drinking. They had the blood/tissue samples re-tested, and the results were the same. "You can't imagine how complex that question is. Schuler Wreckage Photos Schuler Wreckage #1: Schuler Wreckage #2: Schuler Wreckage #3: Schuler Wreckage #4: Schuler Wreckage #5: Schuler Wreckage #6: She said: 'They can't imagine how I feel a couple of hours later when we get back home and there's no babysitter to pay. She had a passion for soccer and even pursued this sport at Sewanhaka Central High School throughout the 1990s, and some of her memories remain in this institution. Too far away? Just hours later, Schuler was weaving wildly through oncoming traffic for nearly two miles before the crash ended so fatally. In order for the closet alcoholic theory to be true, we would have to assume that Danny was in denial about Dianes behavior or simply unaware of it due to the fact that they were essentially ships in the night with their work schedules. An absence of liver damage at autopsy does not mean Diane was not abusing alcohol. And every time I go up and down the Taconic and I pass that spot, it always comes back.. This is performed by accurately interpreting the clues left by the remaining physical evidence of the accident and then reconstructing and studying the preceding, during, and following the accident. Hance and her husband, Warren, lost Emma, 8; Alyson, 7; and Katie, 5; four years ago when his sister, Diane Schuler, 36, of West Babylon, drove head-on into another vehicle on the Westchester . She had called her three nieces mom and/or father to say she was running late. May God test their souls. He says the crash must have been caused by an illness not picked up on the autopsy. Doubtless, Mr. Barbara will come up with a way to explain that. Change). Home Improvement / story . The crash was caused by Bryan's mother,. The Evidence That Diane Schuler May Have Experienced Auto Brewery Syndrome. Anolik said he would ask the Westchester County District Attorney to convene a grand jury to force Daniel Schuler to answer questions under oath. There is a story that has been purported and suggested in order for their tragedy to make sense to us, bit honestly it doesnt fit and I have to beive that there is more to this than. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane is a 2011 documentary television film directed by Liz Garbus about the 2009 Taconic State Parkway crash. I do, however, appreciate reading this. Blog was well written. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. That if the question were asked, he'd probably have to invoke his privilege against self-incrimination.". No. To learn more about our cookies, please read our, Loss of driver control due to the failure of a car part. This week marks two years since Diane Schuler, a 36-year-old Long Island "supermom," caused a collision while driving a minivan the wrong way on New York's Taconic State Parkway. I hope her story can help another to be aware of the dangers of drinking and driving and that they seek the help they need one day at a time. I dont know anyone who could function with that much alcohol in their system. The following investigation determined that Diane Schuler was heavily intoxicated during the time of the crash. But her husband, Daniel Schuler, has always disputed the findings, calling her a model mother. They were even seen wearing swim tubes and gear as they enjoyed the beach. She said: 'We're back by 6:15am, which used to be great because then I could make breakfast for the girls and pack their lunch. Diane Schuler "We have gone on with our lives, holding their memories in our hearts with love, but not a day goes by that we don't think about our loss on July 26, 2009, the Bastardi family said in a statement to News 12. How does a person go from being like a sister to me -- adored by my girls and cherished by my husband -- to being the one who ruined our lives?". Identify the specific errors committed by the at-fault party that caused the accident, thus establishing a liability. The fact that she was driving so fast on that road I live right near there and in such a straight line tells me that intent was there. vulture0425 8 yr. ago I, too watched the documentary. Remember: what is known is far, far, far less than what isnt known in the world of medicine. Diane had multiple bone fractures, with lacerations in her internal organs. Her 5-year-old son was the only survivor. All very good points but one point was never made which is very apparent to me. But May they all Rest In Peace and May Daniel find love again. It did not make sense. After the crash, countless friends suggested having another child would help the Hances recover. L5N 6P9, Unit 6, 18 Alliance Blvd Ladies Home JournalA page from the . Diane Schuler was a 36-year-old woman from New York. By Jennifer Millman and Ida Siegel. At 50 years old I have drank a pint and a half and I always either get sleepy (pass out) or black out. Michael Bastardi told "Good Morning America" today that Daniel Schuler's statement was unacceptable. If she had felt things I doubt she would tell her husband I mean he didnt have that sort of open mind about feelings. Looking at the autopsy, her GLU is 4 (I am assuming that this is her A1C) which is low so she doesnt have diabetes & would rule out the auto brewery syndrome (unless I am reading the blood results incorrectly). She was definitely dealing with some demons. The condition is diagnosed when a person reports the symptoms to a medical doctor and their BAC comes back elevated in the absence of any alcohol consumption. Reputation and competence are two qualities you should look for in an accident reconstruction expert. Officials said Schuler's blood-alcohol level was 0.19, more than twice the legal limit of 0.08, and that she had consumed marijuana. In order for the Auto Brewery theory to be true, we would have to assume Diane ate a ton of high-sugar/high-carb food and digested in half the normal human time it takes to digest food or, that she drank so much high-sugar/high-carb liquid that she induced a high level of ethanol in her gut. Diane did not appear drunk to witnesses at most of her stops along the way (McDonalds, the gas station). We provide lunch for your team and educate on many topics. In the documentary, the husband of Diane Schuler hired his own private investigator into the crash. She wrote that her friends persuaded her to have another child as a way of coping with the "torture" that she has felt since her girls died, unable even to cook because it reminds her of her daughters' excitement at mealtime. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane. And as the years progress and this once unheard of condition is more understood, it just may come to light that she wasnt 100 percent at fault. We would have to assume that the high THC levels in Dianes system and the opened vodka bottle found under a seat in the mini-van are irrelevant. Her neighbours shared that she was always lovely and friendly. We're quite satisfied with the integrity of the medical examiner's report," Anolik said. The couple also started a charity, the Hance Family Foundation, as a way of coping with their grief. THC can stay in your system for up to 30 days or longer. I dont believe she had Auto Brewery Syndrome. This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. The facts do not lie. Just my two cents I am also fascinated by the mystery of it all. The vodka was normally stored in the camper and Dianes husband cant make sense of why Diane would have moved it to the mini-van prior to taking off with the children. The Hances refused to participate in the making of the documentary. Based on toxicology results, Ms. Schuler had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19 percent and some chemicals found in marijuana. And since we'll never know, why keep on doing this?" The bottle part 2: to be clear, she didnt move the vodka from her husbands car that was traveling home to her car as stated. L4M 5A5, CAREERS Her daughters Emma, eight, Alyson, seven, and Katie, five, were all killed on July 26, 2009, as their aunt, Diane Schuler, drove them home after a camping trip in upstate New York. Hance's sister was behind the wheel of the vehicle as it headed the wrong way on New York's Taconic State Parkway. If the Auto Brewery Syndrome was caused by consumption of liquids, I would imagine Diane would have needed to imbibe a ton of orange juice more than the one serving she got at the McDonalds. But everything had gone drastically awry in the life of Diane Schuler on Sunday, between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 in that afternoon. Tooth pain can mean other health issues. Ten years later, the crash continues to haunt the first responders and investigators who handled the case. See the stars in your own backyard . I said something else had to have happened but after the 2nd toxicology came back positive, I said Damn, she did drive while under the influence. I just watched the documentary then read this blog. The rest of the children and Diane died. Sept. 10, 2009— -- The husband of an allegedly intoxicated woman who killed eight people by driving the wrong way on a New York highway "had a role" in the "murder" of the motorists, a family member of the dead charged today. Thank you for sharing your story and for these insights I agree that Diane was likely blitzed out of her mind and her behavior was not normal as a result. It premiered on HBO on July 25, 2011. I'm the opposite: I need to talk. Two hours before Diane Schuler drove the wrong way on an upstate parkway, killing herself and seven others, a motorist saw someone who looked and dressed like her doubled-over on the side of the . No one reached the van in time, because Diane drove off after calling. It is also clear which makes it easier to swap in place of other drinks such as water or to mix in with other liquids such as a protein shake or tea. These data often make compelling evidence in accident claims that proceed to trial. But you just cant not see the vodka bottle or the alcohol in her stomach. He didnt want therapy for his son and also seems to deal with things sort of stoic. As a response, they considered filing a lawsuit and hoped that anyone who knew about the alcohol use would have to pay for the damages. Diane died from blunt force trauma. Had our Sunday deviated at any point, it could have been us in harms way or a witness to this horrifying scene. He said that I had been given a gift from that doctor and I had to use his gift before I could be with my babies. So he placed the bag with the vodka in her car. For me the biggest clue was her buying the OJ and taking it on the road with her, even after having been at McDs for a half hour during which she could have had whatever she wanted. But it did work, on the very first attempt. 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We are different people, but we're both broken. And, what if those monsters are our own mothers, our favorite aunts? I can only share my courage, strength and hope for the next alcoholic. Mrs Hance repeats her final conversation with her eldest daughter over and over again in her head every day. On the way home, Schuler drove nearly two miles in the wrong direction on the Taconic State Parkway with five children in her minivan at speeds as high as 85 miles per hour, according to. When toxicology reports were released, it was found that Schuler had a blood-alcohol content of 0.19 percent - more than twice the legal limit for a DUI. This post examines the 2009 New York Taconic Parkway crash that killed 8 people, including Diane Schuler, the driver of a minivan that plowed for 2 miles in the wrong direction down the parkway. The family of the woman who was drunk and high when she drove her minivan the wrong way on the Taconic . How his wife, Diane, was drunk, on drugs, and murdered my family. "We of course take no position on that. "Something medically had to have happened.". In this case, the reports, testimony, and animations from reconstruction experts would help resolve disputes concerning the cause of the catastrophe. My understanding from what I have read on the subject is that Auto Brewery Syndrome produced ethanol which is a gas and that Diane had a liquid in her stomach. At around 1:30 p.m., 36-year-old Diane Schuler, of Long Island, drove her minivan the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway. Barrie, ON We are still holding on to hope that someday we will have clarity on all our unanswered questions in regard to that tragic day. Through the systematic reconstruction, a host of factors may be revealed, including: Reconstructionists may submit written reports or develop 3D models to demonstrate the accident. My passion stems from being about 10 minutes north of the accident site at Impact. By Thanks! (LogOut/ Thats a lot of assumptions. Eight were killed in all: Guy Bastardi, 43, his father Michael Bastardi, 81, and a family friend, Daniel Longo, 72, as well as the Hance girls, Schuler and her 2-year-old daughter Erin. No, I dont buy this theory. Danny and his sister-in-law, Jay which some have theorized were having an affair had the motive to paint her as innocent: money. She is known as the main subject of the Taconic State Parkway crash back in 2009. A woman that makes a conscious decision to drive with 2 L of vodka between her legs sparking a joint during a 2.5 hour drive home on the NYS trooper laden NYS thruway, through NYC down to LI with 5 makes no to me that means there is something we dont quite understand. If she was drinking and smoking with kids in the car, that is some really irresponsible behavior which cost lives. With that said it is possible she was having some vodka with OJ possibly maybe or not and the plain OJ was the trigger for fermentation to begin that day or if the prior and that she had AB which cause mere sips of vodka and a McDonalds carbohydrate laden meal to produce this level of incoherence. There were no reports of domestic incidents at the house in the past few years. Is far, far, far less than what isnt known in the.... Details below or click an icon to log in: you are commenting using your About 10 minutes north of the woman who was drunk and high when she her. The Evidence that Diane Schuler was weaving wildly through oncoming traffic for nearly two miles the. And smoking with kids in the documentary on TV that was high his own private investigator hired by widower! Past few years animations from reconstruction experts would help the Hances recover her to room! Not drinking blood-alcohol level of 0.19 percent and some chemicals found in the making of the woman who was and. 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