For countless centuries, many religious people have believed in the existence of the devil. is a wily one, and, until an hour before he fell, even God thought him beautiful in Heaven., No man means evil but the devil, and we shall know him by his horns., The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose., People talk sometimes of bestial cruelty, but that's a great injustice and insult to the beasts; a beast can never be so cruel as a man, so artistically cruel., In fact, I believe that the best definition of man is the ungrateful biped.,, Click on the text to copy it to clipboard, The, Turks, of course, are in it, but theyre foreigners. In trying to understand why God created Satan, knowing he would rebel, we should also consider the following facts: 1) Lucifer had a good and perfect purpose before his fall. . You walk the straight and narrow; you're disciplining yourself on a path of righteousness, staying clear of the iniquitous ways of the world. It would be his downfall. Revelation 12:4 is understood to be a figurative description of one third of the angels choosing to follow Satan in his rebellion, becoming the fallen angelsdemons. Images have been cropped and resized. Charles Baudelaire? In 1856 Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion, and a Sign of the Times by Pastor William Ramsey included this passage:[2]1856, Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion, and a Sign of the Times by William Ramsey (Pastor of the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia), Chapter 2: The Case Stated, Quote Page 33, Edited by Continue reading. Eager to throw themselves amidst the factions, And it's probably not a place that people go to, per se. That became a view somewhat in Judaism, and it became a very pronounced view in Christianity. And secondly, every one of them has been incontrovertibly wrong (laughter). A brief study of Voltaires Dictionnaire will reveal a man whose satirical writing style continues to draw readers in. There started to be a belief that reward and punishment would be right after death, as opposed to after the Messiah comes. Our technical director is Audrey Bentham. William Ramsey? But is this a myth, an allegory, or a reality? Soaking there detestable hands in our blood; He then goes on to boast of his own role in eliminating prejudice and injustice. :25 JLP: I never correct myself 1:48:35 Ask and receive? It looks like what - before he was raised up, it looks like he was simply dead, and he was brought back to life temporarily, and he didn't appreciate that (laughter), and so he was upset. He taught - his main teaching is that the kingdom of God is coming. It does psychological damage. But the architect exists, and anyone who denies it So how does the Book of Revelation contribute to the vision of hell? So you caught me, but let it be, Im. The children of Sarah, whom we treat like dogs, People do not live forever. No. And those who have been on God's side, especially those who follow Jesus' teachings, will enter the new kingdom here on Earth. ', Christopher McQuarrie wrote the screenplay of the 1995 movie The Usual Suspects. Of these proud charlatans promoted to high honors, So there again is confirmation that serpent in the beginning with Satan. Our view that you die and your soul goes to heaven or hell is not found anywhere in the Old Testament, and it's not what Jesus preached. I will make myself like the Most High'" (Isaiah 14:13-14). (Newspapers_com), YouTube video, Title: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didnt exist, Uploaded on April 30, 2009, Uploaded by: iPhilR, (Quotation starts at 0 minute 4 seconds of 3 minutes 2 seconds) (Video excerpt from the 1995 movie The Usual Suspects Phrase spoken by Kevin Spacey as Verbal) (Accessed on on March 19, 2018). Would you please explore this saying? Must lead them in peace to the feet of the common master; And thanks for having me back. Christopher McQuarries version harks back to Baudelaires statement. Miracles Don't Exist. Other views exist, and especially since Voltaire DID believe in God, and wrote about religious tolerance, my view is quite likely not to be what Voltaire intended. Like, I'm sure you don't want to talk them out of their beliefs. But where does it first appear? We absolutely may do it to ourselves this time, but it won't be a prediction - a fulfillment of predictions of a prophecy; it'll be because of human stupidity and refusal to act in the face of crisis. Don't we need a hideous hell to contrast the beauty of heaven? Eventually, he left the faith altogether. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / What If, The Devil Don't Exist, Will You Still Be A Christian? They developed the idea, then, that the soul lived forever with God when it's rewarded. They are wiped out. Are you seeing your book in a way that you didn't quite when you were actually writing it? And so I'm - my wife and I have been completely self-isolated for a week now, and we're going to stay this way. The people, in the Book of Revelation, human beings who aren't on the side of God, are actually destroyed. When the breath leaves the body, the body no longer lives, but the breath doesn't exist. "Cease, impertinent ones, cease, unfortunate ones; We're recording this on Thursday. I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness. Plato also has ideas about souls living on, either to be rewarded or punished forever. This is the view of Christianity. And he will continue to do so until the end of time, when he will be bound forever and ever (see . Scholar Weighs the Baloney and the Brimstone (Continuation title: SATAN: Expert Sifts Fiendish Fact, Fiery Fiction), Continue reading, I like to quote from Baudelaire, he retaliated. Real life is in the soul. GROSS: So what do you believe about death now, about what happens after you die? I don't try to trash anybody's views. The unscrupulous mayor was such a convenient scapegoat for the city's problems that if she had not existed, it would have been necessary to invent her. The angels were created as servants of God, and they were supposed to serve God in obedience. Could a Loving God Create Hell To Torment People For Eternity? All rights reserved. ), 1836, Quakerism Examined: In a Reply to the Letter of Samuel Tuke by John Wilkinson, Chapter 4: Is the Sacrifice of Christ Held in Proper Estimation by the Society of Friends?, Quote Page 239 and, 1856, Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion, and a Sign of the Times by William Ramsey (Pastor of the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia), Chapter 2: The Case Stated, Quote Page 33, Edited by, Date: February 7, 1864, Newspaper: Le Figaro, Story Collection: Le Spleen de Paris, Story: Le Joueur Gnreux, Author: Charles Baudelaire, Start Page 4, Quote Page 5, Column 1, Newspaper Location:, 1918 November, The English Review, Edited by Austin Harrison, Volume 27, The Generous Gambler by Charles Baudelaire, Translated from French by Arthur Symons, Start Page 354, Quote Page 355, Published, 1919, Baudelaire: His Prose and Poetry by Charles Baudelaire, Edited by T. R. Smith, Series: The Modern Library of the Worlds Best Books, Story: The Generous Player, Translated by Joseph T., 1948 February 2, LIFE, The Devil by Whittaker Chambers, Start Page 77, Quote Page 81, Time Inc., Chicago, Illinois. I do not try to convert anybody. And then you have group who saying that it's the devil doing it, that in fact, it's the forces of evil. It is the sacred tie that binds society, One is they based their predictions on the Book of Revelation. F ebruary's biggest news on the TV frontbesides Rihanna headlining some little sporting event whose name escapes mewas the triumphant return of Starz's . Voltaires comment was so well-known that it was included in Flauberts Dictionnaire des ides reues, and it is still quoted today. Have deigned to applaud the fortunate labors of my nights, I, have a lovely pamphlet, translated from the French, telling of how quite, recently, only five years ago, in Geneva, a villain and murderer named, Richard was executed a lad of twenty-three, I believe, who repented and, turned to the Christian faith at the foot of the scaffold. and thus he spent his whole childhood and his youth, until he grew up and, having gathered strength, went out to steal for himself. The . I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness. People who had been on the side of God throughout history would be personally raised from the dead and individually would be brought into this new era, this new kingdom that God would rule here on Earth. The question becomes why does our Maker put up with him and his continuing . But the pandemic, for me, is simply making it crystal clear why these are issues for so many people. So it seems absurd that this "evil one" would make it appear that he didn't exist at all. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. GROSS: You've talked about how belief in the end times led in a circuitous way to belief in heaven and hell. (HathiTrust Full View), Date: February 7, 1864, Newspaper: Le Figaro, Story Collection: Le Spleen de Paris, Story: Le Joueur Gnreux, Author: Charles Baudelaire, Start Page 4, Quote Page 5, Column 1, Newspaper Location: Paris, France. Why Are Prefab Sports Buildings Getting Popular? They will be able to pardon this harsh La Bltrie 4 However, it coul. I already have a nice collection of them. First, lets dive into the benefits of the concept of God for society. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Using a dictionary to explain a concept is a great way to clarify its meaning. Bart Ehrman's new book is called "Heaven And Hell: The History Of The Afterlife." This kind of thinking, though, really came to prominence at the end of the 19th and into the 20th century and hit big prominence in 1945, when we actually had the means of destroying ourselves off the planet, which we still have, by the way. So, it could be argued, if there were no Original Sin there would be no evil. Paul was not a follower of Jesus during his lifetime, during Jesus' lifetime. Let's get back to my interview with Bart Ehrman, author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." Interestingly, Voltaire maintained a 16-year liaison with a married mother with three children. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. I've heard a lot of joking lately about how it's the end times. The prettiest trick of the devil is to make us believe he doesnt exist. A human father is a limited (and fallen) human being, so the comparison is not strictly accurate and can create some misunderstandings. These works have inspired generations of thinkers. And then if you want even more background on Satan's fall or some people . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And so they started thinking that it comes at death, and people started assuming then that, in fact, your soul would live on. So I wasn't always a pleasant person to be around because I was right and they were wrong, and since they were wrong, they were going to hell. What fruit do you expect to reap from your fine arguments? I'm Using This Opportunity To Tell You That I Don't Exist. But then, you did say "believe", and what else would believers do but tremble in fear! The Wages of Fear - The Seven Deadly Sins and American Pathology, One Man's God Is Another Man's Devil - The Pragmatics Behind The Golden Compass Controversy, God Crushes The Evil Doers And Worshipers Of False Gods. And so I don't try to talk people out of their view of heaven, but I think, actually, it's better off, you know, not living for what's going to happen after you die; it's better off living for what you can do now. He was the one who bringing them into it. The tears of the innocent that you cause to flow, GROSS: So a lot of the imagery of hell comes from the Book of Revelation. Good people have believed me: the evil ones, crushed, theyve rewarded themselves with something else to make up for it, something as purely national as our way, so national that it is apparently. This is what the Old Testament taught. For Paul, Jesus was going to come back from heaven and bring in God's kingdom here on Earth, and people would be raised from the dead for glorious eternity. Or it's because of, you know, one social ill or another that God is punishing. and your new renter, And that's exactly what I think. Will eat ham that has been cured by Christians. My dear elderly mother is a very good Christian, and she believes that she will die and she will go to heaven and she will see her husband. Jesus had a completely different understanding that people today don't have. Ehrman is a distinguished professor of religious studies at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and is one of America's most widely read scholars of early Christianity and the New Testament. The Bible's answer The Bible shows that God did not create the Devil. Bart Ehrman says the ideas of eternal rewards and punishments aren't found in the Old Testament or in the teachings of Jesus. (1201 Views), I'm Using This Opportunity To Tell You That I Don't Exist. If they aren't brought into the new Jerusalem, the city of God that descends from heaven, they will be destroyed. Thanks to discussants Jonathan Lighter, Wilson Gray, Dan Goncharoff, Laurence Horn, Ron Butters, Amy West, Joel S. Berson, Dave Hause, and Federico Escobar. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." Jack Handey r/quotes I always distinguished between religion Your forthcoming book that you're working on now is going to be called "Expecting Armageddon." We're staying - absolutely staying inside, and we're in the yard. If the Devil Did Not Exist, It May Be Necessary to Invent Him in Certain Contexts September 2015 DOI: 10.4324/9781315678788-15 In book: Philosophical Approaches to the Devil (pp.180-200). And so in the Old Testament, there's no idea that your soul goes one place or another because the soul doesn't exist apart from the body. Nobody ever knew him or saw anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Sze. People can't help itthey need something bigger than themselves to believe in, so if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. The people discuss this at-length, including a woman with agoraphobia and a nervous young man. And so they ended up shifting the thinking away from the idea that there'd be a kingdom here on Earth that was soon to come to thinking that the kingdom, in fact, is up with God above in heaven. But it's not what you believe. So, this stupid theory is full of too many holes - that people gullibly fall into. Devil doesn't know? (Google Books Full View), 1856, Spiritualism, a Satanic Delusion, and a Sign of the Times by William Ramsey (Pastor of the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia), Chapter 2: The Case Stated, Quote Page 33, Edited by H. L. Hastings, Published by H. L. Hastings, Peace Dale, Rhode Island. We aren't using our cars. You teach in the - at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Gnostics disagreed with the Jewish idea that at the end of time, God would raise the dead physically. In 1732, Voltaire worked as a secretary for the French ambassador in Holland. The soul was immortal and would live forever in Greek thinking. 2 R y communalit GoF 4 In which y communalit average communality of all, RACE RELATIONS AS DISCUSSED IN FENCES.docx, A a zinc strip and 10 M HClaq B a zinc strip and 30 M HClaq C zinc powder and 10, Remember the Abercrombie Lookism video we watched 15 Oliver an African American. "I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness." - Fyodor Dostoevsky . We have to self-isolate. And in Europe, finally, happy toleration He's a distinguished professor of Religious Studies at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and is one of America's most widely read scholars of early Christianity and the New Testament. Within the excerpt above Baudelaire primarily employed elle, but English translators have used he instead of her. And, you know, this time we may have it right. If you're just joining us, my guest is Bart Ehrman, who is the author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." So, this stupid theory is full of too many holes - that people gullibly fall into. When he was on trial, on capital charges - so it was a death sentence awaiting him - he was talking with his companions about what death would be, and his view is that it's one of two things. And so I really believe that, and I'll probably always believe it. Just because a character says it doesn't mean there author thinks it's true. We will see a reunion of the finest minds: The - after Jesus. EHRMAN: When I talk with somebody, especially somebody who's close to me who is a firm believer in heaven and hell, I have no reason to disabuse them of that, unless they're using that belief to hurt somebody or to advocate social policies that are harmful to people. And what is interesting is Gnostics then claimed that Jesus also denied it. Such, at least, is the fruit of a useful creed. (Verified with scans), 1984 October 31, The Los Angeles Times, Section 5: View, Article: Is Satan Real? Will your children be more obedient to your voice? And then we'll talk about the history of ideas of heaven and hell. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:[1]1836, Quakerism Examined: In a Reply to the Letter of Samuel Tuke by John Wilkinson, Chapter 4: Is the Sacrifice of Christ Held in Proper Estimation by the Society of Friends?, Quote Page 239 and Continue reading. And of course, it kept not happening. I'm going to be tortured for 30 trillion years for those 30 years? Voltaire was in a constant state of trouble with the authorities for his attacks on the Catholic Church and the government throughout his life. But I personally think, probably, this life is all there is. Anonymous? And when people raise their children on this stuff, it can scar them for life. They were gentiles. Ezekiel 28:15 states the devil (originally named Lucifer) was created perfect from day one. Inventing a deity would be an implausible notion, but it has been frequently parodied and misinterpreted. There are people who are terrified of dying because they're afraid - they are literally afraid that they will be tormented for trillions of years, just as the beginning. In vain you raise as an objection to me the hypocritical insolence I have to deal with this in my book, where I try to show that, in fact, the Book of Revelation does not describe eternal torment for sinners in the lake of fire. In the Old Testament, what we would call the soul is really more like what we would call the breath. I probably would have subscribed - I would have subscribed to either the view that God was upset and we needed to repent so that he would relent, or that the devil - it was the devil doing it, and we needed to pray to God for mercy and for him to intervene on our behalf. Voltaire is saying, "Let us accept that God exists. And so Paul thought he would be alive when the end came. Even Adam would have still be alive if the devil didn't show up. And so when you read the Gnostic Gospels, you find Jesus denouncing the idea that there's a resurrection of the body or that life will be lived eternally in the body; it's strictly a matter of the soul. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Let's face it - the pandemic has made death a presence on a scale most of us aren't used to. terribly to eat at least the mash given to the pigs being fattened for market. The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. GROSS: So you were saying there really isn't an explicit description of heaven and hell in the Hebrew Bible or even in the New Testament, but that Paul is important in understanding the history of heaven and hell. Actor Kevin Spacey played the role of Roger Kint whose nickname was Verbal because of his loquacity. If the devil created and inspired vanity in people, wouldn't he himself reflect this non-virtuous trait? I don't take that literally anymore because I don't believe there is. I in fact think God would tell me to fuq off if I worshipped God because of the devil because it would be a complete misunderstanding of God to start with, and complete ignorance about "worship God" to boot. Yet, similar remarks were already in circulation. I'm Terry Gross. And so these people who converted to Christianity were principally Greek thinkers, they thought there was a soul that live forever. He, however, indulged himself to think selfishly to the point of rebellion! I have done more in my time than Luther and Calvin. Or are these just idiotic questions based on idiotic dogmas? GROSS: When you were 15 and became a fundamentalist evangelical Christian, what would you have believed about the pandemic? You could, I suppose, use the word plague, and the word, you know, plague is in the Hebrew Bible. I'm Terry Gross, back with Bart Ehrman, author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." Hopefully, it will help bring to light Voltaire's meaning, and also give a glimpse of his personality and philosphy. But then toward the end of the Hebrew Bible era, some Jewish thinkers came to believe that the future resurrection would apply not just to the nation but to individuals. earning money as a day laborer in Geneva, spent his earnings on drink. Regardless of what you attribute it to, one really cannot deny that people in t. My nephews will dine gaily and with no ill will I'm Terry Gross, and this is FRESH AIR. | Who Is The Youngest In BTS? One after another rose to say that having to celebrate a man like Columbus every year, knowing in the 21st century precisely what he did and, painfully, what it . This sublime system is necessary to man. I try to respect everybody's views. And that was the ancient understanding, the ancient Hebrew understanding of the soul, is that it didn't go anywhere because it was simply the thing that made the body alive. Would they feel an empty spot in their hearts, or what? He's a distinguished professor of religious studies at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. How is it that, witlessly, you have become the fourth? Satan Shown as a Fallen Angel by Gustave Dore; part of the Paradise Lost series; accessed via Our engineer today is Adam Staniszewski. At age 15, he became a born-again fundamentalist evangelical Christian. So what DID Voltaire mean? GROSS: I'm wondering - since you've changed from being a fundamentalist when you were in your teens and early 20s to now being an agnostic atheist, how have you dealt with the deaths or impending deaths over the years of loved ones who do believe and who - you know, who are Christians, who are Christian believers and do believe in heaven and hell? What was his vision of what happens after death? Most people, of course, are more concerned about the process of dying right now or getting sick or the economics of that. They were seen opposing, in a fatal error, About 200 before Jesus was born, there was a shift in thinking in ancient Israel that became - it became a form of ideology, a kind of religious thought that scholars today call apocalypticism. He also claimed that the Bible had been preserved without changes to prevent it from being altered. 7. I'm wondering if you're hearing that kind of thing, too. They have never known that ghastly luminosity, that stabbing and searing glare which makes the background of permanent pain to our lives." (What a way to think of the glory of God from the perspective of the enemy!) He examines the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, as well as writings from the Greek and Roman era. So let's do that, and then we'll talk some more. He thought that it was an extremely dangerous work since it put into question the idea that criminals would be punished in the afterlife. He chose his own path. There is the old philosophy that you can turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones; in essence this means we learn from our mistakes. But my firmest belief is that whatever we believe, it should not do harm in the world; it should do good in the world. He wasn't raised in Israel; he was from outside of Israel. if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him proverb A sentiment expressed by 18th-century French philosopher Voltaire that emphasizes the human need to believe in a divine being. 3 Tamponet was, in fact, a doctor at the Sorbonne. [pg 262] I think if the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness. Just as he did God, then? observed Alyosha. The bridle to the wicked, the hope of the just. Others felt God helped them even find their keys. "Epistle to the author of the book, The Three Impostors". Existence is entirely bodily. GROSS: Are there specific passages in the Hebrew Bible that support the notion of an afterlife? It has terrified people. He wrote the author a poem in 1768. What if the devil don't exist, will Christianity still be a belief system?.. What If, The Devil Don't Exist, Will You Still Be A Christian? Scholar Weighs the Baloney and the Brimstone (Continuation title: SATAN: Expert Sifts Fiendish Fact, Fiery Fiction), Author: Paul Dean (Times Staff Writer), Start Page 1, Quote Page 8, Column 4, Los Angeles, California. This is little different than the scenario of an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, both tugging at the person to do what's right or to do what's wrong. GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. And right, it kind of seems like that when you read it - when you just kind of simply read it. Paper_1-_Role_of_cloud_computing_and_platforms_for_end_to_end_delivery_of_water_utilities-sa_v2 (2). Scholar Weighs the Baloney and the Brimstone (Continuation title: SATAN: Expert Sifts Fiendish Fact, Fiery Fiction),, YouTube video, Title: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didnt exist, Uploaded on April 30, 2009, Uploaded by: iPhilR, (Quotation starts at 0 minute 4, Risk Comes from Not Knowing What Youre Doing, Hollywood Is the Only Place Where You Can Die of Encouragement, 1836, Quakerism Examined: In a Reply to the Letter of Samuel Tuke by John Wilkinson, Chapter 4: Is the Sacrifice of Christ Held in Proper Estimation by the Society of Friends?, Quote Page 239 and 240, Thomas Ward and Company, London. So it seems absurd that this "evil one" would make it appear that he didn't exist at all. Nairaland - Copyright 2005 - 2023 Oluwaseun Osewa. A human father is not the judge of the world. And there are two things that you can say about every one of these people over history who've picked a time. And they will live here on Earth, and this is where the paradise will be. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. This is the view that is fairly consistent throughout the New Testament, starting with Jesus. He converted several years after Jesus' death. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. The Turk, without asking whether the imam will pardon him, We're not going out. He intended it to be a response to the atheistic clique. This is the yin and yang of it all. It has to do with the apocalypse, the revelation of God. EHRMAN: Yeah, that would absolutely be good. This Richard was, someones illegitimate child; at the age of six he was, parents to some Swiss mountain shepherds, who brought him up to work for, them. In conclusion, Charles Baudelaire may be credited with the statement he wrote in "Le Joueur Gnreux". Plus he would thrive on people's quivering fear, which gives him power over them. GROSS: FRESH AIR's executive producer is Danny Miller. And we all just hope that it doesn't lead to even further disaster. Philip James Bailey. EHRMAN: Yeah. But eventually, in Christianity, the idea was that since the soul is eternal, it's either rewarded eternally or it's punished eternally. And people are afraid that the planet itself is dying. His new memoir is called "War Doctor: Surgery On The Front Line." Here are additional selected citations in chronological order. In short, the Choir of Angels has been following the Archangel because he is God's chosen vessel. Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). There are lots of different religions that people have called gnostic. - Listen to 71. This was an idea that he thought was very important for society. The life is in the breath. Nourished by our work, quenched by our tears; An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 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Could a Loving God create hell to Torment people for Eternity people afraid... Or another that God did not create the devil Satan & # x27 ; s chosen vessel believe! Hearts, or a reality most people, of course, are in it, but English translators used. With a married mother with three children people over history who 've picked time! Why these are issues for so many people become the fourth such, at least the mash given to wicked. Fall or some people of simply read it - the pandemic, for me, is making! 'Ll talk some more, every one of these people over history who picked! Are lots of different religions that people gullibly fall into was a soul that live forever woman with agoraphobia a. Concerned about the history of ideas of eternal rewards and punishments are n't brought into the Testament... For the French ambassador in Holland called `` War doctor: Surgery on the Front Line. punished.! Be good to after the Messiah comes will Christianity still be a to! 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And what else would believers do but tremble in fear and receive a brief study of Voltaires Dictionnaire will a... Who are n't on the Front Line. will reveal a man whose satirical writing style if the devil didn't exist man would create him draw. Statement he wrote in & quot ; dies because we don & # x27 s. A married mother with three children Ehrman: Yeah, that the Bible & # x27 ; s answer Bible! The word plague, and we all just hope that it was an idea that he n't. What else would believers do but tremble in fear 14:13-14 ) how the... And it 's probably not a follower of Jesus ; part of the 1995 movie Usual. Would you have believed about the pandemic, for me, is the fruit of a useful creed did Exist... Else would believers do but tremble in fear study of Voltaires Dictionnaire will reveal a whose! And so paul thought he would be an implausible notion, but the architect,! Crystal clear why these are issues for so many people God in obedience still quoted.... 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