Benzodiazepines enhance the functioning of a naturally-occurring neurotransmitter in the brain called gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is responsible for reducing activity in the central nervous system. However, seeking help from a treatment program and starting your recovery journey is the bravest and the best thing you can ever do for yourself. To enhance this formula, I often add Magnesium L-Threonate 400 mg. Thus, trigger avoidance strategies are aimed at helping you either resist the effects of these triggers or make sure you can limit exposure to them as much as possible. Many of them fall under holistic therapy, which aims to treat physical and mental health with practices promoting the healing of the body, mind, and spirit. The other 60% suffer just mild symptoms. 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. The level of severity of withdrawal symptoms depends on a variety of factors, such as: Possible symptoms of benzo withdrawal include the following: What Supplements are Suggested while Benzo Withdrawl? Recovery is a lifelong battle, and youll need comprehensive support to fight it. Make sure to eat a diet high in protein and healthy oils and fats. Consider switching to a long half-life benzodiazepine. We pride ourselves on our commitment to our patients privacy, as well as our family-centered approach to recovery. The effects of the nationwide stimulant shortage on a private psychiatry practice, Why North American medical cannabis cant compete globally. There are both physical and psychological symptoms associated with the withdrawal process. A certain percentage will be fine, but some will suffer a horrific and debilitating withdrawal syndrome that can last years. Initially, you may experience what is called: rebound symptoms. You can control many symptoms through common holistic treatments or natural remedies for benzo withdrawal. To be a bit less snarky, consider taking bacopa- i heard that it prevents some issues associated with the benzo withdrawal. Just be patient and be sure to see an educated clinician who is willing and skilled in assisting with this process. In such programs, patients will be offered a combination of medical treatments, therapies, and peer support to help them learn new coping skills and avoid relapse. Stress vs Anxiety: What's The Difference? Engaging in entertaining stuff that can bring about laughter is indeed healing. Both options are available to you; you just have to find the ones that work for you. Rehab Success Rate Does It Really Work? Dr. Nicole Cain consults with clients via telehealth and in person. A 2018 study found that12.6% of American adults had used benzodiazepines over the year prior (, both legally and illegally over 26 million people total. find medication assisted treatment near me, Buprenorphine treatment for opioid addiction, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Mental Health Disorders, Significance of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Studies on the Neurodevelopmental Effects of Low-Moderate Alcohol Use During Pregnancy, Drinking While Pregnant : Populations at the Greatest Risk, 1940 Garnet Avenue Suite 120San Diego, Ca 92109, The likelihood of you getting through it by yourself without relapse is extremely low. If you feel wound up and need to calm down or redirect your focus, taking a whiff or sniff of calming or energizing essential oils can help you get back on track. All Rights Reserved. In this piece, well discuss benzo addiction and proven strategies to get clean. Therefore, when using benzo, it is not advisable to suddenly stop it, resulting in a hazardous side effect. The heating pad will provide the warmth needed without exposing yourself to the risk of worsened symptoms. These are much needed as the symptoms of withdrawal can be overwhelming. Benzodiazepines are Prescribed to Help Treat Anxiety. I always feel better for@2days. (2020, May 28). After this, youre prone to chemical dependency, which can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms or long-term health conditions that stem from addiction. When sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea symptoms occur during withdrawal, the dehydration that follows can be another level of added discomfort, and it may worsen other symptoms. Talk to people about how you feel and ask them to support you in your recovery. Valerian root is used for various purposes, including promoting restful sleep. How Substance Abuse Can Lead to Mental Illness, Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center. In this case, withdrawal symptoms can appear in as little as eight hours to half a day. I have been exploring what benzos do from an ENERGETIC perspective to the body and mind. Some patients have reported relief of withdrawal symptoms with the use of CBD oil or medical marijuana. The dependence on benzo occurs similarly to how it does with other addictive drugs. Despite their therapeutic benefits, benzos are highly addictive drugs that should be handled with care. Can Ginkgo Biloba Help with Taming Your Anxiety? Goose bumps on the skin, chills or sweating. The mental side of quitting an addictive substance can take time to overcome. Therefore, it is vital to drink enough water during withdrawal to ensure that the withdrawal is not complicated with the additional symptoms that come with dehydration. 10. While many methods effectively help treat withdrawal, others are just rumored to be successful in some cases. It can help relieve diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps, as well as other symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Natural. Four count breathing: Inhale x 4 counts, hold, then exhale x 4 counts, hold, and repeat. There are other forms of meditation one can engage in to pause and reflect on while they catch their breath. The Adderall crash is like a strong, mini withdrawal. Anxiety. Should you take valerian root to treat your social anxiety disorder? However, how this happens is still unknown. You are abandoning your patients if you are not active on social media, How to help your patients understand antibiotic stewardship, When Western medicine fails patients and clinicians. It should not be taken with benzodiazepines, antidepressants, or any other prescription medication, as it can increase drowsiness and have other interactions that may not be safe. Some cannabis researchers, on the other hand, describe serious withdrawal symptoms that can include aggression, anger, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, anorexia, depression, restlessness, headaches, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms can make users feel as though they will never get better. Please read the comment policy. Below, well discuss how benzodiazepines work in your body. Will Insurance Cover Behavioral Treatment? More Information About Our Rehab Programs! What Is High-Functioning Anxiety Disorder? You can also encourage further hydration by drinking specialty beverages with electrolytes; an example includes sports drinks. Dr. Nicole Cain ND MA has helped countless people take back control of their lives, and she can help you. Aromatherapy can help you to feel calmer. Anxiety is a common part of many peoples lives. In order to help our patients enjoy true restoration, a Naturopathic Physician must identify the root cause of symptoms. (2014, January 08). Therefore, to achieve your best health, it is better to talk to your physician about the best way to quit and how you can achieve long-term success while trying the natural remedies for benzo withdrawal. Christy Huff is a cardiologist and co-director,BenzodiazepineInformation Coalition. Hydration 5. Magnesium is the useful information of GABA, it feeds the neurotransmitter production pathways and is generally relaxing, reduces anxiety, and improves sleep. Patient-controlled, symptom-based tapers are best. Some people say it helps them relax and reduces their stress levels., Some users take multiple doses or high dosages at once, and these individuals may not feel the effects right away. Ironically, other medications can be used to help individuals with benzodiazepine withdrawal, as well. Let your patient know you will support them through this process, no matter how long it takes, and that they will improve with time. Trazodone, mirtazapine, and quetiapine may be helpful in some for insomnia. What are Benzos? All Rights Reserved. Benzodiazepines, a class of potent medications that depress the central nervous system so that users can relax, are often prescribed to help people get a handle on these issues. Distraction, meditation/relaxation techniques, taking a hot bath, leaving the house for a short outing, and going for a walk can be helpful. For example, among those taking benzos for more than six months, about 40% of them experience moderate to severe signs and symptoms when they suddenly quit. People in recovery have to find drug-free ways to relieve pain and stress here are some that are proven to work. There are many anecdotes that demonstrate how easily benzo use and abuse can lead to addiction. Panic attacks. There are, however, powerful, safe, and effectivenaturalsolutions to help you not only taper off and discontinue your medications but also for actually feeling like yourself again. The information is provided by The Hidden Cures and while we do timely, in-depth research on the information that we provide to you, everything stated may not be up to date or accurate from the time it was written. Still, While further studies are needed, there is research to suggest magnesium may help fight anxiety, Healthline says. Daily meditation for anxiety/ insomnia/ depression, etc, has been shown to decrease the sympathetic response (this is the fight-or-flight experience that comes with anxiety and stress), and increase the parasympathetic response (rest, relax, and digest). Users sometimes abuse benzos because of their euphoric and relaxing effects. The first tip is an obvious one. Always stay hydrated as much as possible. If you or someone you know starts to experience benzodiazepine withdrawal, you should begin the treatment process immediately to ease symptoms and increase chances for a successful recovery. Vomiting and nausea from opiate withdrawal can cause loss of electrolytes. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'thehiddencures_com-box-1','ezslot_8',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thehiddencures_com-box-1-0');report this ad Most Recent, Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. If an individual is struggling with an unhealthy relationship with benzodiazepines, please reach out. Fortunately, other methods are available. What Helps With Benzodiazepine Withdrawal? Still, if you have been taken them for a long while (about six months or more), there are risks and side effects associated with the usage, such as cognitive and sedation issues. Some benefits of professional detoxification and withdrawal management include the following: Professionally supervised and monitored detox and withdrawal management programs are the best and safest way to begin your recovery journey from benzo addiction. In addition, online support groups such as BenzoBuddies and Facebook groups such as Benzodiazepine Recovery were invaluable resources for me at the beginning of my taper. Okay, so your doctor prescribed a benzodiazepine, and you're ready to get off. Valium (diazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), and Klonopin (clonazepam) are among the ones that are most widely used. Millions of people in the U.S. struggle with anxiety, doing their best to manage their mental health every day. Strategies like cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, mindfulness training, and exercise can help individuals alleviate anxiety long after they stop using benzodiazepines. Ultimately, each patient will need to find their way out with your excellent supervision, guidance, and support. Detox is often considered a necessary first step to breaking the cycle of addiction in a treatment facility. It matters that people are able to recognize it and take steps to quit using benzos safely. For this reason and others, some people may be interested in using natural medicines to benzos. When on any medication, especially undergoing benzo withdrawal, it is ESSENTIAL to drink LOTS of water and stay hydrated, so you flush the toxins out of your body. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Vitamins can be a supplement for nutritious meals to ensure that the person is receiving adequate nutrients. In this article, we will discuss: Benzodiazepines are a group of central nervous system depressants used in treating insomnia, anxiety, and seizures. (2021, January 20). To safely taper off benzodiazepines, medical professionals use a type of benzodiazepine that allows benzodiazepine users to get the same effects of the drug while slowly weaning off their use. I've compiled 10+ years of providing therapy into this FREE guide to help you get the tools you need to stop panic, stress, and anxiety. People may also have a hard time getting to sleep or staying asleep and worry to the point that they cannot concentrate. With this in-depth treatment, individuals addicted to benzodiazepines can be confident that their treatment tackles their addiction as a whole, not just the physical symptoms they may be experiencing. Today, more than fifteen types of benzodiazepine medications are available, including flunitrazepam, sold under the brand name Rohypnol, which has come to be called the date-rape drug. According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR), this drug has been used in many sexual assault cases. I have been researching and using natural remedies for years and a lot of these remedies come from years of family secrets and recipes. What are the Common Symptoms of Benzo Withdrawal? According to Calm, not all vitamins can have an effect on anxiety, so taking vitamins for the sake of taking them likely will not help reduce your stress level. I knew about the grounding which really helped me in acute WD. Reach out to our caring and compassionate staff today at 855.959.4521 or via our online form, and let us tell you how we can help. Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome is often under-recognized and poorly understood, so when a patient comes to you with information about it they have obtained online, please dont be arrogant. These practices provide a natural way for individuals to relieve stress. Taking benzos causes surges of dopamine in the brain. Unfortunately, some people are uncomfortable with needles and may disregard the process of acupuncture because of that. Too bad coping doesn't make things easier. Drawing, painting, and other art forms can lower stress levels and serve as vehicles in which we can express our thoughts and emotions. There are many ways to incorporate aromatherapy into your life. Why are doctors sued and politicians arent? Benzos can also be short-acting, intermediate, or long-acting, making them a flexible type of medication for various conditions. Youll have more time and money. from, Team, W. (2020, August 21). More severe symptoms may include Seizures and even psychosis (hearing and seeing things that are not there and/or delusional thinking). Tremors. If were going on a date with a new person for the first time, its normal to feel anxious about how the experience will turn out. Dopamine is partly responsible for how humans feel pleasure. At Boardwalk Recovery Center, we understand the importance of educating family members about benzodiazepine withdrawal and how they can help their loved ones through this difficult season in their life. With this in mind, here are a few strategies that can help you quit using benzodiazepines successfully. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults. from, Wong, C. (2020, March 07). 6. Get free updates delivered free to your inbox. If there are any concerns about content we have published, please reach out to us at Some patients take years to taper, others longer. Benzodiazepines Are Prescribed to Help Treat Anxiety, Natural Supplements You Can Use to Manage Anxiety, Natural Alternatives to Managing Anxiety That Dont Involve Meds, Benzo Medications Are Not the Only Way to Treat Anxiety. There are various types of benzos sold under known names like Klonopin, Xanax, and Valium. The herb has been used to improve cognition, including in cases of Alzheimers disease. It could potentially save a life. Benzo prescriptions are found in medicine cabinets across the country, and while having these medications in your home may seem normal, its not conducive to long-term abstinence. Entertainment 7. You get to a point where you become hopeless and have suicidal thoughts or behaviors. From detox, you will enter treatment that will include therapy and peer support. Unfortunately, they are also commonly misused and can be addictive. Always consult your primary care doctor before using the remedies that are provided. Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Benzodiazepine+Withdrawal. During benzo withdrawal, a person may experience trouble concentrating, sweating, and physical aches. Stomach cramps. Most importantly, provide reassurance. Increased heart rate despite no external stimuli, Always experiencing a sense of impending panic, danger, or doom, Rapid breathing, known as hyperventilation, Unable to sleep at night because you feel nervous, Feeling weak and not in control of your emotions, The inability to concentrate or think about anything other than your present concern, Avoiding anything that triggers your anxiety. If youre looking to learn how to quit benzos, this is the most important thing we can tell you on the topic: Trying to quit using benzodiazepines cold turkey can be dangerous. Effective. Hallucinations. 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anyone suffering from benzo withdrawal symptoms needs loved ones around them because these friends and family give comfort and solace. The Cleveland Clinic advises that using scents as a complementary therapy can help you relieve stress. Saline Nasal Irrigation. Since benzodiazepines are extremely dangerous, seeking alternative options might work best for you. 5. As mentioned before, you may want to speak with a medical or mental health professional who can give you more information about natural remedies you may be considering. Youll be able to start repairing relationships damaged by addiction. This is part of the reason facilities that only offer detox dont see a high recovery rate for their clients over time. We also want to remind you that any information shared here is not intended to replace the advice and care of a medical professional. Withdrawal symptoms can arise after a duration as short as one month of use, even on small therapeutic doses. Get involved in a licensed treatment program where you have a chance to attend a peer support group. Benzodiazepines are drugs commonly used to treat sleep and anxiety disorders. If youve quit using benzos because of the risk addiction poses to your health, you dont want to go back on them and restart the cycle. 9. But even that is enough time for someone to develop a dependence and possibly an addiction to them. This website is for educational purposes only. Specialists will administer long-acting benzos to help taper your dose and gradually reduce the presence of benzos in your body. 858-888-0101 1940 Garnet Avenue Suite 120San Diego, Ca 92109. Believe your patient. If the withdrawal symptoms are troublesome, the taper reduction may be too soon or too much. Withdrawal symptoms occur on a spectrum. from, Psychology Today. Conditions of Use and Important Information: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. from, Healthline. The duration of this rebound period depends on which benzodiazepine you were taking, the dosage, and the duration of taking this medication. You can light scented candles, use essential oils in a diffuser, or carry a scented spray or hand lotion with you. Very good tips. However, there are some common side effects people going through withdrawal are known to experience. As physicians, we are experts at prescribing medications. Laughter can cause the body to release endorphins that reduce pain and counteract cravings for substance abuse. The publication says more clinical studies are being done on the herb, which is also believed to help lower inflammation. The clinicians have a way of making you comfortable enough to talk about anything. -George E. The staff at STR is as first class as they come. At a treatment center, you will be monitored around-the-clock by a medical staff experienced in dealing with the complications and problems that can arise during benzo detox, such as seizures and benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. Support from Loved Ones Final Thoughts FAQs What Supplements are Suggested while Benzo Withdrawl? How Do Opioids Impact Your Nervous System? Required fields are marked *. Benzodiazepine is a treatment commonly prescribed for anxiety. Ironically, other medications can be used to help individuals with benzodiazepine withdrawal, as well. These natural benzo-like herbal teas may be useful in the treatment of PAWS, anxiety, depression, pain, muscle tension, insomnia, stomach issues, and . Many friends have suffered brutal symptoms for five years or more after an abrupt cessation. Take the time to read and listen. However, your concerns are valid. This will help a lot during the process of drug withdrawal too. If that does not work, other options are available, like benzodiazepines and lifestyle changes. An exercise is an excellent form of distraction from discomfort because it gives the person exercising something to focus on besides withdrawal symptoms. Youll be able to live outside of the cloud that the medication causes. This makes it even more necessary to acknowledge their relationship with the drug. Levittown, PA 19056, Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Center. An at-home detox from alcohol or benzodiazepines is never recommended, as these substances can cause serious health complications during withdrawal, such as: Insomnia. Hi, I forgot to add, 1 thing that has kept my Sanity (comparatively, that is) is hard core exercise, & the more often the better. Other studies, however, had mixed results but noted that acupuncture did not adversely affect anxiety levels. There are many different types of treatments that are medically approved to treat benzodiazepine withdrawal. Through our treatment program, we support clients through this process, no matter how long it takes, and encourage them that if they are willing, they will improve with time. Withdrawal from any substance, especially drugs in the benzodiazepine category, can be an extremely uncomfortable process. Re: NATURAL WAYS FOR COPING WITH BENZO WITHDRAWAL: Bringing calm, breath support Heart palpitations. In a small-scale study that compared a benzodiazepine with Passionflower, both were found to be therapeutically beneficial for reducing anxiety. The basis of benzo withdrawal is an inability of the body to inhibit neurological activity. when I 1st started, all I could do is walk @ the block, & that brought tears & panic. They work by washing out allergens from deep in your nose. Benzodiazepine abuse. You want to avoid harmful interactions between substances. Verywell Mind advises users to take it a half-hour to two hours before bedtime. Individuals who complete medical detox prior to treatment have higher success rates of recovery, avoiding relapse, and long-term sobriety. Stimulants result in excessive weight loss and other nutritional deficiencies. BenzoBuddies policy concerning suicide,self harm and threatening behavior DETAILS, Login with membership name, password and session length. According to Psychology Today, ashwagandha is found to be very helpful to calm anxiety, and specifically, help agoraphobia (anxiety especially in open or crowded places).. Its tranquilizing effects can help people with insomnia get some sleep. How long does cocaine stay in your system? They should never be used for more than 14 days at a time. Everyones experience with withdrawal is different because everyones body and circumstances are different. Like other addictive substances, benzodiazepines have the potential to take hold of a users brain and body, making the process of getting sober uncomfortable and extremely difficult. Successful recovery involves an understanding of something called trigger avoidance. Triggers are objects, people and situations that may make you more likely to slip or relapse. This result is because exercise stimulates the same pleasure and placates the systems in the body involved in addiction, making the need for substance useless critical. These sedatives can help calm feelings of panic and worry, leaving you more relaxed. Before you try potent medication, you may want to look into holistic anxiety treatment. The American Academy of Family Physicians reported that benzodiazepines are typically not the only drug of abuse used by individuals. If you find that anxiety is disruptive to your life no matter what you do, you can seek professional treatment at Vista Pines Health in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Your anxiety is so severe that you feel hopeless and depressed, leading you to use drugs or alcohol to cope. Once a person is hooked, it can be rather difficult to end benzo use on ones own. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can leave people feeling wound up or on edge or irritable. Required fields are marked *. 6. Because benzodiazepines are powerful medicines with high habit-forming potential, some people with anxiety may want to seek out alternative approaches to handling their anxiety. What is The Rescue Remedy for Benzo Withdrawal? Many methods that can be administered at home may not be effective and could lead to even more serious side effects. With tinier doses, it is possible to decrease the dosage over time, eventually giving half doses when the client is ready. Magnesium for anxiety: Is it effective? What Are the Effects of Suboxone on People Who Use Fentanyl? Restlessness or anxiety. Disclaimer: I will be addressing patients physiologically dependent on benzodiazepines who are motivated to come off the drug and do not display signs of abuse or addiction. Benzodiazepines (benzos) are commonly prescribed to relieve symptoms of anxiety. Withdrawal symptoms are monitored and managed to get you through the detox process as comfortably as possible. Seek emergency treatment immediately. Diazepam can be effectively used in medication-assisted therapy because it has a slow elimination rate, meaning that the components of the drug leave the body slowly over time. (n.d.). During the benzodiazepine detox process, you will be bound to experience cravings. Benefits of natural remedies When experiencing withdrawal symptoms or antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, increasing physical exercise or changing the diet to include more fresh food may. In excessive weight loss and other nutritional deficiencies discomfort because it gives the person exercising something focus. 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natural ways to ease benzo withdrawal frumil