Inspirisani temom trening kursa čiji poziv za učesnike smo objavili juče i koja je sastavni, nezaobilazan dio naših života, posebno u jeku pandemije COVID-19, odlučili smo čuti i vaše mišljenje- Da li ste ZA ili PROTIV digitalizacije i zašto?
Za potrebe apliciranja za učešće na jednom međunarodnom projektu Milica Dedić, naše odgovorno lice za zastupanje, napravila je jedan kratak video koji ćete pronaći u nastavku, dok je o svemu tome iznijela svoje mišljenje o DIGITALIZACIJI kroz sledeći esej:
“Everything is moving so fast, in the nature as much as in technology. Someone said that animals are most efficient beings but people with all learning which it upgrade during their lives take over that place and become the most powerful beings.Most popular sentence is: „The time is money“, and I absolutely agree with the meaning of it. So, how to don’t spend a lot of time on some stuffs or activities and to that way make some time for doing something new or just relaxing. Remember our grandparents whose lives were to difficult for ones who had jobes and also for ones who needed to renounce of their hobbies and stop with their business careers in order to have wealthy families. Solution for everything is digital revolution. Just imagine how great is to do and finish some actions only with using your eyes, fingers and a little bit of a brain only for reading and understanding what is written. Maybe, this sounds freaky because of thinking that humans could became some kind of robots, but I will say that for everything exist choice. If we choose to be human with all digital tools we could become very powerful. You don’t need smoke signals to communicate with others who are far away from you, don’t have to visit any place to see how it looks, don’t have to be Italian to know italian language and more. Don’t be afraid of any kind of progress and make right choice, use everything what digital revolution provides to you and on one click whole world could be in your hands.”
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.